Adelric Falke

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Adelric Falke
- photo credit
Resides: Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry
Or, an eagle gules and on a chief sable five crosses formy fitchy Or
 Or, an eagle gules and on a chief sable five crosses formy fitchy Or.


Lord Adelric resides in the Barony of Stierbach and has interests in Autocratting Events, Marshaling Armored; Rapier and Combat Archery Activities; and working with leather, wood, illumination and metal.


Adelric is a noble in 12th century Gernamy typically wearing Norman garb.

Fealty Relationships

Lord Adelric Falke is a student of Master James of Middle Aston, and is associated with House Old Castle; as well as with Sir Rodrigo Falcone the Elephants.

Guilt by Association

Lord Adelric is closely associated with House Wolfhou and his former home in the Barony of Windmasters Hill and the Canton of Attillium

Offices & Positions

Current Offices

- Marhsal at Large, Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia - Member, Canton of Sudentorre
Previous Offices

- Kingdom of Atlantia Law Committee Member - Seneschal, Barony of Windmasters Hill - Rapier Marshal, Barony of Windmasters Hill - Seneschal Canton of Attilium - Knight Marshal, Canton of Attillium - Exchequer Canton of Attillium - Kinght Marshal, Shire of Crimson River - Chronicler, Shire of Crimson River

Projects & Publications

Events Autocrated: Cool Runnings, Shire of Crimson River, Kingdom of Merides, 2002 The Grand Tournament of Friends, Canton of Attillium, Kingdom of Atlantia The Grand Tournament of Friends, Canton of Attillium, Kingdom of Atlantia Ymir, Barony of Windmaster Hill, kingdom of Atlantia 2011 Ymir 40, Barony of Windmasters Hill, kingdom of Atlantia 2014 Conquest at Granada, Barony of Windmasters Hill, Kingdom of Atlantia Stierbach 21st Birthday Event, Barony of Stierbach, kingdom of Atlantia 2019

Event Planning in Progress: Defending the Gate 2020 and Atlantian Spring Crown Tournament 2020


Or, an eagle gules and on a chief sable five crosses formy fitchy Or

Awards and Achievements


Atlantia Order of Precedence
Companion of the Boreas (Atlantia) 2/9/2007 Companion of the Opal (Atlantia) 9/20/2008 Companion of the Kitty Hawk (Atlantia) (Windmaster's Hill) 5/14/2011 Baronial Award of Excellence (Atlantia) (Windmaster's Hill) 8/8/2012 Companion of the Tempest (Atlantia) (Windmaster's Hill) 7/31/2013 Companion of the Coral Branch (Atlantia) 11/15/2014 Award of the Herring (Atlantia) 2/28/2015 Award of the Eurus (Atlantia) (Windmaster's Hill) 5/30/2015 Honorary Citizen of Windmasters' Hill (Atlantia) (Windmaster's Hill) 5/13/2017 Companion of the Golden Dolphin (Atlantia) Ymir 44 (Windmaster's Hill) 2/23/2019 Silver Horns (Atlantia) (Stierbach) Defending the Gate XVIII (Sudentorre) 3/23/2019 Companion of Saint Roch (Atlantia) (Stierbach) Pennsic War (Æthelmearc) 8/5/2019

Classes Taught

Beginning Scribal Arts 101 – Where to Start