Malcolm de Moffat

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Lord Malcolm
Resides: Barony of , Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry
Malcolm de Moffat



This is a work in progress


Malcolm if a man-at-arms of the 14th Century and an early member of the 14th Century Mafia

Offices & Positions

Do you have offices or positions that you would like to share?

  • Baronial Herald | Barony of Caer Mear | 2004 - 2005
  • Seneschal of the Canton of Turmstadt, Barony of Knight's Crossing, Kingdom of Drachenwald 2017 - 2018

Projects & Publications


Per chevron embattled sable and Or, two lions combatant and a tower counterchanged

Awards and Achievements


  • Award Date Award Name Event Bestowed By
  • 12/11/2004 Award of Arms (Atlantia) Caer Mear Baronial Investiture (Caer Mear) János I and Rachel I
  • 8/17/2005 Companion of the Opal (Atlantia) Pennsic War XXXIV (Æthelmearc) Robert I and Denise I
  • 8/19/2005 Award of the Umbonis Ferrei Ordo (UFO) (Atlantia) (Caer Mear) Pennsic War XXXIV (Æthelmearc) William and Katerina
  • 12/5/2015 Award of the Undine (Atlantia) Unevent (Atlantia) Christoph I and Adelhait I

Classes Taught