My first page
Creating your first wiki article
This can be daunting. The wiki markup language is not familiar or even particularly user-friendly. With a little guidance, however, you will find that using the Atlantia Wiki is fairly straight forward.
To create a new page, the first thing you're going to want to do is make sure that a page doesn't already exist! Use the search box to the left to search for your [noun] of choice. If you find what you're looking for, great! Simply login and select edit at the top of your target page and you're ready to go. If you don't find the page you're looking for you will be given the option to create one. Simply start typing in the editor box and off you go! That's all it takes to make very basic page. You may want to get a bit fancier with your layout. Excellent! You are free to design your own page or you can take advantage of the templates found here ( Templates ).
First, let's cover some of the basics.
Using the wiki editor
The wiki page editor (found under the 'edit' tab) will be immediately familiar to most people... if a bit odd at first. Open the 'Advanced' menu to see some more options. Most of these should be familiar to you. Simply type in some content, select it with your mouse and click the appropriate button to format it. Let's take a look at the most common elements:
- B : bold
- I : italics
- link
- embed (file, picture, etc)
- the dropdown that says heading allows you to change fond sizes
- bullet lists
- number lists
- insert an image from the gallery (mountain icon next to the word Insert)
When you're ready to preview your changes simply click the 'Preview' button at the bottom of the page. You can keep editing until the page is as you want it or save the page and call it a day.
Protect Thy Pages
Some pages are only editable by administrators. The community rules, for example. Use the 'protect' tab to set permissions on pages. Most pages should be in the public domain. Protect your pages with discretion as this will be brought to the administrators attention.
Follow the wiki community rules, period. Also, be aware that every page has a history feature so if you break something or do something you shouldn't then we have a record of who did what and when.