Ælfric Ecgeling

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Archbishop and Abbot
Resides: Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

Devic Forthcoming
Badge: (Fieldless) a satyr proper, furred brown, Caucasian, maintaining in his sinister hand a quill pen azure


Ælfric was born in approximately AD 950 in Ecgeling (Eggleston), near Durham, northern England (unified English rule, previously Kingdom of Northumbria). A second son to his parents, he found his calling to holy orders at a young age and was given to Ecgeling Abbey, a Benedictine monastery, as an oblate at the age of 10. By 18, he had been ordained a priest and acted as confessor for the brothers of Ecgeling Abbey for many years. In addition, he spent many hours creating books of hours and historical records in the scriptorium.

In about AD 975, he felt a calling to voyage to the far east to make converts amongst the people there. He spent several years in the Empire of the Great Song (Song Dynasty China, AD 960-1279), and was entertained with great mutual interest at court under the Taizu and Taizong emperors.

After returning to Ecgeling, he was elected abbot by his brothers to fill the sede vacante which had recently happened.

Circa AD 985, he was appointed archbishop of the See of Ecgeling, during the rule of King Æthelred the Unready.

SCA History

In June of A.S. 54, he apprenticed to Maestra Lucia Bellini, former Baroness of Windmasters' Hill, in the noble arts of Calligraphy and Illumination.

In February of A.S. 56, he became Principle of the Windmasters' Hill Baronial Scribal Guild, succeeding Lady Caitrina Inghean Fearghuis.

In he became protégé to Patronne Murienne L'aloiere, former Baroness of Sacred Stone, in the service of the Society.

Offices Held

Chancellor of the Exchequer, Canton of Kappellenberg

Principle, Windmasters' Hill Scribal Guild

Deputy Chancellor, University of Atlantia


Fait Accompli (Service and Arts Household) => Protégé Casa Bellini (Scribal Household) => Apprentice
Ecgeling Abbey (Scribal Confraternity) => Father Abbott
Windmasters' Hill Baronial Scribal Guild => Principle
House of the Wounded Mushroom (Service and Arts Household)


Device Forthcoming

Badge (Fieldless) a satyr proper, furred brown, Caucasian, maintaining in his sinister hand a quill pen azure

Awards and Achievements

Link to Atlantia OP entry: Atlantia Order of Precedence.


Likes most food (really, he isn't picky and will eat most things except internals or spicy/hot stuff) and drink. Really wants to start exploring open fire cooking, particularly early period foods. Big video Nintendo nerd (especially Chrono Trigger, Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros., and Earthbound). Loves Studio Ghibli films (particularly Castle in the Sky, Nausicaa, and Whisper of the heart). Mundanely is fascinated by lighter than air travel, especially dirigibles.