Merewyn Scharp

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I am Lady Merewyn Scharp. I reside in the Barony of Nottinghill Coill, in the Kingdom of Atlantia.


  • 13th century English sometimes
  • 9th century Norse housewife mostly

Offices & Positions


  • Baronial Webminister for Barony of Nottinghill Coill


Baronial Chronicler for Barony of Nottinghill Coill


  • Per chevron inverted vert and azure scaly argent, a sea-lion Or, in chief two escallops argent.

Awards and Achievements


  • 10/13/2016 Courtesy of Nottinghill Coill (Atlantia) (Nottinghill Coill) War of the Wings XI (Sacred Stone) Lucien and Brig
  • 2/18/2017 Award of the Golden Cord (Atlantia) (Nottinghill Coill) Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday (Nottinghill Coill) Lucien and Brig
  • 2/25/2017 Award of Arms (Atlantia) Tournament of Ymir and Baronial Investiture (Windmaster's Hill) William II and Alyna I
  • 10/7/2017 Companion of the Opal (Atlantia) Fall Coronation 2017 (Border Vale Keep) Cuán VII and Signy I
  • 10/20/2017 Award of the Golden Knot (Atlantia) (Nottinghill Coill) War of the Wings XII (Sacred Stone) Lucien and Brig
  • 12/9/2017 Courtesy of Nottinghill Coill (Atlantia) (Nottinghill Coill) Yule Toy Tourney XII (Nottinghill Coill) Lucien and Brig
  • 1/27/2018 Companion of the Gordian Knot (Atlantia) (Nottinghill Coill) Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday (Nottinghill Coill) Lucien and Brig
  • 12/8/2018 Courtesy of Nottinghill Coill (Atlantia) (Nottinghill Coill) Yule Toy Tourney XIII (Nottinghill Coill) Lucien and Brig
  • 3/30/2019 Courtesy of Nottinghill Coill (Atlantia) (Nottinghill Coill) A String Thing (Falconcree) Elphin and Delia
  • 2/15/2020 Companion of the Coill's Guiding Beacon (Atlantia) (Nottinghill Coill) Nottinghill Coill's XL-ent 40th Birthday (Nottinghill Coill) Elphin and Delia
