Vytautas Vilkas

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Vytautas Vilkas
Resides: Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Status: Deceased
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

Registered Arms

Lord Vytautas Vilkas (VEE - toe - toss VILL - koss) was a member of the populace of the Kingdom of Atlantia. He lived in the Barony of Caer Mear. He enjoyed many arts and sciences activities, such as fiber arts, armored combat, and archery.

Vytautas used he/him/his pronouns, both modernly and in persona.


Vytautas' persona was Lithuanian.



  • Per pale vert and sable, a rogacina bendwise sinister doubly crossed and fourchy argent.

Offices and Positions

Staff/Volunteer Positions

Classes Taught

  • “Open Seam Embroidery” (Ruby Joust) - May 29, 2016

Awards and Achievements


Order of Precedence entry

Award Date Award Name Event Bestowed By
May 28, 2016 Award of Arms (Atlantia) Ruby Joust (Caer Mear) Dietrich I and Thora I
May 29, 2016 Companion of the Portcullis (Atlantia) (Caer Mear) - Premier Ruby Joust (Caer Mear) Wolfgang and Iseulte
December 11, 2016 Companion of the Pharos (Atlantia) (Caer Mear) Yule (Caer Mear) Wolfgang and Iseulte
May 27, 2017 Companion of La Bris de Mer (Atlantia) (Caer Mear) Ruby Joust VI and Investiture (Caer Mear) Tojenareum and Magda
May 26, 2018 Companion of the King's Missiliers (Atlantia) Ruby Joust VII (Caer Mear) Dietrich II and Una I
December 14, 2019 Baroness' Award of Courtesy (Atlantia) (Caer Mear) Caer Mear Yule (Caer Mear) Tojenareum and Magda
March 20, 2021 Award of the Umbonis Ferrei Ordo (UFO) (Atlantia) (Caer Mear) VIRTUAL - Caer Mear Baronial Investiture (Caer Mear) Tojenareum and Magda


  • Baronial Archery Champion, Barony of Caer Mear
