Esme Bramley

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The Lady Esme Bramley was born in Bramley, England in the 1400's. Raised by the nannies and governess after her mother's unfortunate passing, she was the only child of her merchant father, Lord Richard. The Manor's primary focus was the raising of apples in the vast orchards that surrounded their lands. When she came of age, an advantageous match was made for her...but to an Italian wool merchant. Shipped off to live in (Florence? Venice?), she found herself wed and overseeing a vast villa, who's prime products were wool and wine. At the elbow of her beloved Mother in Law, she took to the local way of life and proved a good head for managing their lands. Her husband proved slothful and lascivious...and later met his fate by way of an unfortunate (?) "stomach complaint". Esme, with the assistance of the ladies of the Villa, took her stand as a Femme Sole, and continued to improve the bounties of her Lands, growing their luxurious wool production into a local force.

(This portion is still very much under consideration and is highly subject to CHANGE!)


In her youth, Esme had been introduced, mundanely, to the idea of the SCA by Master Edweard d'Boicewright, late of Calontir, Rest his soul, in an online roleplaying chat group, then on the AOL Service. Over time, she found her local group...but, having very small children, and being rather timid of person, was easily overwhelmed upon meeting such notables as Mistress Thora SharpTooth (mundanely a professor at Vassar College), and Hraldr (the devil if his title could be remembered) and Esme took an 18 year hiatus from the Society. Upon her Mundane husband's retirement from law enforcement, they did what all their ilk do...and moved South in August of 2013. After seeing an image of a local fighter practice in the newspaper two years later, Esme toodled her way to her new Canton's meetings and hasn't looked back since.

Positions Held

Canton MoAS - Canton of Moorhaven - April(?)2016 through December 2019 Baronial MoAS - Barony of Hidden Mountain - 2018 - Current

Canton Seneschal - Canton of Moorhaven - January 2020 - Current

Head Retainer to their Excellencies, Hidden Mountain, Cecilia and Roibeard - March 2017-April 2020

Autocrat - Silver Chalice - August 2018

          Silver Chalice - August 2019

Demo Organizer - November 2018 - Mythical and Medieval Fest, Myrtle Beach, SC

                November 2019 - Mythical and Medieval Fest, Myrtle Beach, SC


Awards are listed in the order bestowed.

1/28/2017 Order of the Sable Mountain (Atlantia) (Hidden Mountain) Tourney of Mannanan Mac Lir XXVI (Tear-Sea's Shore) Asta 3/25/2017 Award of Arms (Atlantia) Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday and Investiture (Hidden Mountain) William II and Alyna I 8/26/2017 Companion of the Coral Branch (Atlantia) The Tournament of the Silver Chalice (Hidden Mountain) Cuán VII and Signy I 4/28/2018 Baron's Award of Excellence (Atlantia) (Hidden Mountain) Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday (Hidden Mountain) Roibeard and Cecilia 10/6/2018 Companion of the Opal (Atlantia) Fall Coronation 2018 (Sacred Stone) Ragnarr V and Lynette II 1/25/2020 Order of the Azure Mountain (Atlantia) (Hidden Mountain) Tourney of Manannan mac Lir XL (Tear-Sea's Shore) Roibeard and Cecilia