Jonathan Blackbow

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1987 Feb 13th – First event (Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday) 1988 Founding Member, Campus arm of Shire of Crannog Mor (service) 1989 Authorized Heavy Combat (martial) 1989 – 1991 Deputy Minister of Arts and Sciences, Crannog Mor (A&S) 1990-1991 Deputy Seneschal, Crannog Mor (service) 1992 Squire, Eorl Kane O’Shannon (martial) 6/1996 AoA 4/1997 Augmentation of Arms 4/1999 Companion of the Phoenix Claw (Sacred Stone) (martial) 4/2000 Flame of the Phoenix (Sacred Stone) (service) 6/2001 Baronial Award of Excellence (Sacred Stone)(service) 9/2004 Companion of the Phoenix Eye (Sacred Stone)(A&S) 5/2006 Queen’s Order of Courtesy (1st) 5/2006 Grant of Arms 6/2006 Companion of the Sacred Stone (service) Autocrat, Flight of the Falcon 1, August 2006 9/2006 Award of the Herring (Autocrat, Fall Coronation 2006) 12/2006 Award of the Talon of the Phoenix (Sacred Stone) (martial) 2/2007 Augmentation of Arms (Saint Aiden) (martial) 2/2007 Companion of Saint Aiden (martial) 3/2007 Shark’s Tooth (martial) 5/2007 Companion of the Coral Branch (A&S) 6/2007 Award of the Phoenix’ Pyrite (service) 3/2008 Queen’s Order of Courtesy (2nd) 5/2008 Order of the Golden Dolphin (service) 3/2010 Award of the Phoenix’ Granite (Sacred Stone)(service) 6/2010 Companion of the Pearl (A&S) 6/2010 Award of the Talon of the Phoenix (Sacred Stone) (martial) 9/2012 Companion of the Kraken (martial) 10/2014 Award of the Silver Nautilus (A&S) 12/2014 Companion of the Silver Osprey (martial) 6/2016 Baronial Award of Excellence (2nd) Worked with local and/or Kingdom event bid coordinators and site owners to establish an SCA presence on the following sites: Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Camp, Reidsville, NC Camp Millstone 4-H Camp, Ellerbe, NC Camp Golden Valley Girl Scout Camp, Rutherfordton, NC Camp Rotary Girl Scout Camp, Gastonia, NC Foothills Equestrian Nature Center, Tryon, NC

Worked with site owners to establish an SCA presence on the following sites: Lu Mil Vineyard, Elizabethtown, NC Tanglewood Park, Winston-Salem, NC

Finals of Crown Tourney, May 2007 Finals of Crown Tourney, October 2007 Autocrat, Fall Crown 2008 Pursuivant Extraordinary, College of Heralds Fellow of the University of Atlantia, UA66

Service 1988 Founding Member, Campus arm of Shire of Crannog Mor ~20 hours over three months organizing, paperwork, etc 1990-1991 Deputy Seneschal, Crannog Mor Emergency Backup, paperwork, etc, ~5 hrs / month 4/2000 Flame of the Phoenix (Sacred Stone) Participation in the Inn on the Road Ugly Wenches Contest (won that by raising $150 for the fundraiser contest) 6/2001 Baronial Award of Excellence (Sacred Stone) Probably for helping build the sets for Return to Troy. Not sure. 6/2006 Companion of the Sacred Stone General Service award for Sacred Stone Autocrat, Flight of the Falcon 1, August 2006 9/2006 Award of the Herring (Autocrat, Fall Coronation 2006, first use of Betsy Jeff Penn 4-H Camp which profited the kingdom ~$3800) 6/2007 Award of the Phoenix’ Pyrite No idea. 5/2008 Order of the Golden Dolphin For Service To the Kingdom 3/2010 Award of the Phoenix’ Granite (Sacred Stone) No Idea. 6/2016 Baronial Award of Excellence (2nd) Recognized for acts of valor both on and off the field at Gulf Wars 2016

Martial 1989 Authorized Heavy Combat 1992 Squire, Eorl Kane O’Shannon 4/1999 Companion of the Phoenix Claw (Sacred Stone) Baronial Order for excellence in martial arts, teaching, individual, and melee 12/2006 Award of the Talon of the Phoenix (Sacred Stone) Probably for individual valor on the field at War of the Wings 2/2007 Augmentation of Arms (Saint Aiden) Kingdom Melee Teaching / Fighting Order 2/2007 Companion of Saint Aiden 3/2007 Shark’s Tooth Probably for acts of valor on the field and off at Gulf Wars (ended up running the entire army of Trimaris during the Town Battle, awarded Duke Bytor's personal tower shield by Duke Bytor, won the Squires' Tourney, Finaled in the Rose Tournament) 6/2010 Award of the Talon of the Phoenix (Sacred Stone) No idea. Individual acts of valor at an event is what it's given for. 9/2012 Companion of the Kraken Kingdom Award for individual fighting talent 11/2014 Warlord of the Company of Saint Aiden Because that's what I do anyway, run armies. 12/2014 Companion of the Silver Osprey You'd have to ask Duchess Seonaid.

A&S 1989 – 1991 Deputy Minister of Arts and Sciences, Crannog Mor ~5-10 hrs/week organizing/running A&S activities in the Canton 9/2004 Companion of the Phoenix Eye (Sacred Stone) Baronial A&S award. Probably for Viking Poetry / English Poetry / Filks / Fiction. 5/2007 Companion of the Coral Branch Kingdom A&S Award. Probably for Viking Poetry. 6/2010 Companion of the Pearl Kingdom A&S Order. For Viking Poetry. 10/2014 Award of the Silver Nautilus For writing "The Other Side of the Wall At Pennsic"