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Photo pending
Resides: Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

Registered Arms


Norbert visited the society in college, but wandered off to be responsible. Late in life Katharine of Ravenswood plied him with horses and archery (and mounted archery!) to return to the dream.


Norbert is sometimes 16th century Spanish, sometimes English, sometimes Mongol. Depends on the weather, the phase of the moon and various auguries

Offices & Positions

None. Responsibilities are for mundane life. I participate in the dream to avoid responsibility. The name “Norbert the irresponsible” cannot be registered. Norbert Dolittle is the closest that the society allows.

Warranted as ground crew for equestrians; a fact about which Norbert is in self-denial.

Projects & Publications

What does a mounted archer use to pull the bowstring (unpublished, in support of the equestrian marshall forum)


For each of the following, I have far more enthusiasm than skill.

  • Equestrian
  • Archery
  • Horse archery


None. I’m still pondering whether having a badge might be a slippery descent into the morass of responsibility. If I ever resolve that, I’ll have to find a book herald to discuss

Four horseshoes interlaced; an arrow palewise

Awards and Achievements


In case of court

Check your facts. Verify that the request does not come from the Lord of Misrule. Examine whoever makes this suggestion for signs of heatstroke, exhaustion or a pathological break with reality. Check to see if it is April Fools. Does the king hold the throne by force of arms?

If by some bizarre clerical error Norbert Dolittle is needed in court, check with Lady Katharine of Ravenswood.
