Delphina The Mad
Back in the mists of time, some say when dinosaurs roamed the earth, a young Delphina found herself in the Barony of Black Diamond while attending college. It was during this time that she met a group of people to whom she expressed her interest in history, The Princess Bride, all things Medieval, and an interest to learn fencing. The group said to Delphina "boy, have we got an organization for you!" Delphina went on to officially join the SCA in 1998 and has been active, in varying levels, ever since.
Eventually Delphina left the Barony of Black Diamond in 1999 and followed a few other former residents of Black Diamond to the northern barony of Ponte Alto. Delphina is primarily active in the Barony of Ponte Alto because of this, although Delphina's abode is actually located in the Barony of Stierbach thus creating the on-going joke of her home being an Embassy and the "satellite campus of Ponte-Bach".
Delphina The Mad's persona is primarily 14th century English. However, she does have many ancestors and descendants who share the same name and are surprisingly similar in physical appearance! Aside from 14th century English, Delphina's presence has been recorded the most as a 10th century Norse woman.
Delphina The Mad ended up with her moniker due to many who have met her deeming her mad for her unconventional ways. Delphina often can be found diving feet first into work or things that interest her with little regard for her own sanity. She is often someone who thinks outside the box, prides herself in being friendly to all, and has been known to be quite random. If Delphina hasn't surprised you yet, just wait...
Delphina has also been linked to several questionable "Used Goods Emporiums". To date she has made several appearances at events with her "Emporiums" such as "Crazy Delphina's Used Pony Emporium (which sold stick horses for a palio race event)", "Crazy Delphina's Used Ship Emporium (which "sold" small boats for an event that had balsa wood boat races)," "Delphina's Used Daggar Emporium (for an event that allowed spectators to purchase bean bag daggars to try to take out the opposing side during fencing matches)," and more recently "Crazy Delphina's Used Goods Emporium (which was at Holiday Faire 2021 when Ponte Alto decided to reduce the amount of garb and various items it had in storage and sold it to benefit the Barony)". You never know when the next "Crazy Delphina's" emporium might pop up...nor where she got her merchandise. Once when asked about how she obtained the merchandise for her emporiums, Delphina winked and cryptically replied with the phrase "pre-emptive marine salvage." People are still trying to figure out what she meant by that phrase and others are too afraid to ask for more details....
Office and Positions Held
- Baronial Chatelain for Ponte Alto, July 2021 - until present
- Baronial MOL for Ponte Alto, November 2005 - March 2009
- Head Retainer for Their Majesties of Atlantia, 2006
- Deputy A&S Officer for Ponte Alto, 2005
Awards and Achievements
- 6/12/2004 Award of Arms (Atlantia)
- 9/18/2004 Onore del Ponte d'Oro (Atlantia)
- 1/7/2006 Companion of the Opal (Atlantia)
- 4/1/2006 Award of the Undine (Atlantia)
- 4/1/2006 Companion of the Queen's Order of Courtesy (Atlantia)
- 3/3/2007 Companion of the Coral Branch (Atlantia)
- 12/15/2007 Companion of the Garland (Atlantia) (Ponte Alto)
- 12/13/2008 Onore del Ponte d'Argento (Atlantia) (Ponte Alto)
- 2/25/2012 Award of the Silver Nautilus (Atlantia)
- 7/17/2021 Ponte Alto Black Plague Honor (Atlantia) (Ponte Alto)
- 5/7/2022 Companion of the Golden Dolphin (Atlantia)