Aurelio Vitrisoni

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| photocaption = Photo pending| location = Kingdom of Atlantia | status = Active | device = 
| devicecaption = Registered Arms | atlantianid = 0000}}


  • Joined the SCA in 2012 as a Rattan fighter and member of the Shire of Hartstone, AEthelmearc.
  • Registered the name Harkin of the Moorlands, as a Viking persona
  • Took up Rapier fighting in 2015, and Cut 'n Thrust later in the same year.
  • Moved to the Barony of Cynnabar, Midrealm in late 2015.
  • Adopted a 1500s Venetian persona, and registered his current name of Aurelio Vitrisoni
  • Moved to the Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia, where he is currently active.


16th century Venetian. Son of a glassmaking family, sent to a fencing academy to keep him out of trouble. This has largely not worked at all.


Quarterly sable and vert, a Bowen cross within a serpent in annulo vorant of its tail argent.

Offices & Positions

Barony of Cynnaber

  • Baronial Rapier Champion
    • June 2016 - June 2017

Shire of Roxbury Mill

  • Deputy Webminister
    • October 2020 - Present
  • Deputy Seneschal
    • July 2021 - Present


  • Rapier Marshal (Expired, reauthorization in progress)

Awards and Achievements

Award of the Elephant's Heart Barony of Cynnabar 12/12/2015
Award of Arms 03/05/2015
Baronial Rapier Champion Barony of Cynnabar 05/09/2016
Order of the Cavendish Knot AoA Fencing Award 02/25/2017
Award of the Dragon's Tooth Excellence of an Individual in Melee 08/08/2017
Company of the Defenders of the Tower Baronial Champion's Order 10/15/2017
Award of the Dragon's Teeth - Pentamere Excellence of a Unit in Melee 08/08/2017


Aurelio discovered Rapier in the spring of 2015 and was immediately enamored of the art. It remains his primary interest in the SCA, where he practices historical Italian-tradition fencing in both classic Rapier and Cut 'N Thrust. While in the Midrealm, he was a cadet to Maestra Anna Reimer von Wolfenbuttel, but ended that formal relationship when he left the Mid.

Predominantly, he studies Nicoletto Giganti in classic Rapier and Achille Marozzo in Cut 'N' Thrust. While Sword and Dagger or Sidesword alone are his preferred forms, the Ex-Spear-iment offers new options that he is excited to try.


Miscellaneous A&S

Aurelio has taken on a fair number of basic sewing projects in the form of Viking square hoods, T-tunics and pants both for himself and for others. He stretched himself in the form of a set of paned trunkhose and matching jerkin, as well as a leather jerkin for courts. He has dabbled in embroidery, making belt favors displaying his and his partner's arms, and detailing on other garments. Aurelio has had a moderate interest in inkle weaving, producing several belts, bands, and lengths of trim. He has also made a number of simple leather goods and woodworking projects such as tentpoles for pavilion tents.