Aurelio Vitrisoni

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{{PopulaceBlue|photo = [[<gallery>Example.jpg]

| photocaption = Photo pending| location = Kingdom of Atlantia | status = Active | device = 
| devicecaption = Registered Arms | atlantianid = 0000}}


  • Joined the SCA in 2012 as a Rattan fighter and member of the Shire of Hartstone, AEthelmearc.
  • Registered the name Harkin of the Moorlands, as a Viking persona
  • Took up Rapier fighting in 2015, and Cut 'n Thrust later in the same year.
  • Moved to the Barony of Cynnabar, Midrealm in late 2015.
  • Adopted a 1500s Venetian persona, and registered his current name of Aurelio Vitrisoni
  • Moved to the Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia, where he is currently active.


16th century Venetian. Son of a glassmaking family, sent to a fencing academy to keep him out of trouble. This has largely not worked at all.


Quarterly sable and vert, a Bowen cross within a serpent in annulo vorant of its tail argent.

Offices & Positions

Barony of Cynnaber

  • Baronial Rapier Champion
    • June 2016 - June 2017

Shire of Roxbury Mill

  • Deputy Webminister
    • October 2020 - Present
  • Deputy Seneschal
    • July 2021 - Present


  • Rapier Marshal (Expired, reauthorization in progress)

Awards and Achievements

Award of the Elephant's Heart Barony of Cynnabar 12/12/2015
Award of Arms 03/05/2015
Baronial Rapier Champion Barony of Cynnabar 05/09/2016
Order of the Cavendish Knot AoA Fencing Award 02/25/2017
Award of the Dragon's Tooth Excellence of an Individual in Melee 08/08/2017
Company of the Defenders of the Tower Baronial Champion's Order 10/15/2017
Award of the Dragon's Teeth - Pentamere Excellence of a Unit in Melee 08/08/2017



Miscellaneous A&S

Aurelio has taken on a fair number of basic sewing projects in the form of Viking square hoods, T-tunics and pants both for himself and for others. He stretched himself in the form of a set of paned trunkhose and matching jerkin, as well as a leather jerkin for courts. He has dabbled in embroidery, making belt favors displaying his and his partner's arms, and detailing on other garments. Aurelio has had a moderate interest in inkle weaving, producing several belts, bands, and lengths of trim. He has also made a number of simple leather goods and woodworking projects such as tentpoles for pavilion tents.