Lanea inghean Uí Chiaragáin

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Lanea is an tribal leader from a prominent family on Ynys Mon with a longstanding enmity for imperial power and a loud voice. Except when Lanea is a musician in a Hallstatt era court with a loom, a longstanding enmity for imperial power, and a loud voice. Except when Lanea is a Welsh poet and musician with a longstanding enmity for Saxon power and a loud voice. Except when Linnea is a Finno-Ugric musician with a longstanding enmity for Swedish power and a loud voice. Except when strangely familiar woman of the named Amynomene who looks so very much like Lanea is studying mounted archery and demonstrating her longstanding enmity for imperial powers.


Lanea was born in Ciarraighe in Connacht, the westernmost province of Ireland. Her people gained wealth as gold merchants and jewelers, which brought them to prominence and allowed them to indulge in eccentricities that were otherwise uncommon in remote Eire. Her mother, Máire, is a woman of renowned intelligence and wit who particularly loved listening to stories around the hearth as a child, learning as much as she could from travelers and traders who visited the village her family led. In time, Máire became a midwife, and then a mother herself. Her mate was killed in a trade dispute with a neighboring tribe, and Máire relied on her work as a midwife and her share of the family fortune to support her children. Lanea is the second child of four and the one most interested in travel.

Lanea currently lives on Ynys Mon, a small island off the the Northwest coast of Wales.

Offices & Positions

  • King's Bard (1/12/2019 - 1/18/2020)

Projects & Publications


Vert, on a pall between three crosses of Saint Brigid Or an eagle sable.

Awards and Achievements


  • Companion of the Coral Branch, Atantia (10/4/2014)
  • Court Baroness, Meridies, bestowed by Barthelemey of Illyria and Oda Austrasia (3/14/2017)
  • Companion of the Pearl, Atlantia (3/16/2017)
  • Companion of the Laurel, Atlantia (3/13/ 2019)
  • Companion of the Order of the Lark (Atlantia) (Highland Foorde) (6/1/2019)


Lanea inghean Uí Chiaragáin OP

Classes Taught

Households and Affiliations

In Case of Court