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== Introduction ==
=== Introduction ===

Thegn Eadulf Beornwaldes sunu
Thegn Eadulf Beornwaldes sunu
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Formerly Known as Thegn Alexander Makcristyne
Formerly Known as Thegn Alexander Makcristyne

Currently resides in Fayetteville, NC. and plays with the Barony of Windmasters Hill.
Currently resides in Fayetteville, NC. and plays with the Barony of Windmasters' Hill.

Recently Moved from the East Kingdom in July of 2019 to see my exploits in the East Kingdom here is a link to my East Kingdom Wiki
Recently Moved from the East Kingdom in July of 2019 to see my exploits in the East Kingdom here is a link to my East Kingdom Wiki

For all things Atlantia, visit my web site [https://gchristianv76.wixsite.com/website Here]
For the most up to date Atlantia achievements, visit my web site [https://gchristianv76.wixsite.com/website Here]

== Persona ==
=== Persona ===
I am currently a late 7th century Sutton Hoo Anglo-Saxon.  I have always dabbled in this time frame, but until a few Pennsics ago did I nail it down the exact time frame and culture I wanted.
I am currently a late 7th century Sutton Hoo Anglo-Saxon.  

== Offices & Positions ==
=== Offices & Positions ===
*Warranted Thrown Weapons Marshal (East Kingdom,                        2003 - Warrant closed in the East 2019
*Barter Town Sheriff                                                    '''2013 - Current'''
*Warranted Archery Marshal (East Kingdom),                              2006 - 2015
*Pennsic War Point Coordinator                                         '''2015 - 2017'''
*Became Shire Thrown Weapons Marshal Marshal of Eisental,              2011ish - 2012
*Warranted Thrown Weapons (Atlantia)                                    '''2019 - Active'''
*Seneschal of Incpt. Shire of Archers Ford,                            2013 - 2016
*Baronial Thrown Weapons Marshal Windmasters Hill                      '''2019 - Active'''
*Barter Town Sheriff                                                    2013 - Current
*Deputy Seneschal Windmasters Hill                                      '''2019 - 2022'''
*Warranted Fencing Marshal (East Kingdom),                              2014 - 2016
*Deputy A&S officer Windmasters Hill                                    '''2021 - Active'''
*East Kingdom War Point Coordinator (Pennsic)                          2015 - 2017
*Became the Thrown Weapons Marshal of Hartshorn-dale                    2017 - 2018
*Warranted Thrown Weapons (Atlantia)                                    2019 - Active
*Baronial Thrown Weapons Marshal Windmasters Hill                      2019 - Active
*Deputy Seneschal Windmasters Hill                                      2019 - 2022
*Deputy A&S officer Windmasters Hill                                    2021 - Active

== Event Staff ==
=== Service Based Classes ===
*Pennsic Thrown Weapons Marshal 2003-2015,
*Inclusiveness for thrown weapons, for both Marshals and Throwers        '''2011 - Active'''
*MIC Thrown Weapons & Archery Marshal for EKWC (Eisental) 2012,
*Throwing Competitions at Pennsic for the Physically disabled            '''2011 - When in attendance at Pennsic'''
*Pennsic Archery Marshal 2012 & 2013,  
*Winter University Inclusiveness for Thrown weapons class                '''2020'''
*Event Steward for St. Aegir's brewing Festival 2013 - 2016,
*Spring University Inclusiveness for Thrown weapons class (Virtual)     '''2021'''
*SCA Barter Town Sheriff swap meet Pennsic 2013 - 2017,
*Pennsic Volunteer War Point Coordinator 2015 - 2017
=== Service Based Documents ===
*Alcohol Coordinator for Know World Party at Pennsic 2015,
*Inclusiveness for Thrown weapons submitted for consideration for Known world [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iFTjUYChgPv-HSIdwjjez_lDVhp0wbeqPNegOhBeibI/edit?usp=sharing Thrown Weapon adaptations]
*Bartender (devil) of Liqueurs at Queen's Tea 2015,
*Event Steward for RP Shire Wars V Oct 16-18 2015
*MiC Thrown Weapons at Shire Wars VI Oct 14-16 2016
=== Event Staff ===
*Brewing Village Coordinator at Artisan's Village June 16-18 2017
*Brewing coordinator/Room for Known World A&S                           '''2018'''
*MiC Thrown Weapons at Shire Wars VII Oct 21-23 2017
*Thrown weapons Marshal at WoW (spear Clout)                            '''2019'''
*Brewing coordinator/Room for Known World A&S Hartshorn-Dale March 9-11 2018
*MIC Thrown Weapons Marshal Raven's Cove Birthday                      '''2020'''
*Scheduled to be MIC Thrown Weapons for WoW, covid canceled            '''2021'''

*Mead brewing 2005 - still brewing,
*Mead brewing                                                           '''2005 - still brewing'''
*Several meads paneled by the IKBG Pennsic 2006 - 2016,
*Several meads paneled by the IKBG Pennsic                             '''2006 - 2016'''
*Won the Barony of Settmour Swamp's brewing competition, March 2014
*Competed in the Atlantia Kingdom Brewer competition at YMIR            '''2019'''
*14th century Period mead paneled by EKBG 2014
*Elderberry Mead                                                        '''2019'''
*Mulsum (period dry wine) paneled by EKBG 2015
*Black Currant/Blueberry Mead                                          '''2019'''
*Created a 1393 French Bochet (brewing Abbey aided) 2015
*Open Fire & Fermentation Basic Mead                                    '''2019'''
*Created several Liqueurs for Queen's Tea 2015
*Bochet                                                                 '''2019'''
*Created a Kropnikas for EKBG pannel 2015
*Metheglin "Liquid Christmas"                                          '''2019'''
*Created a Cyser for EKBG pannel 2015
*Belgian Saison                                                        '''2019'''
*Created a Hippocras for EKBG pannel 2015
*Swedish Fish Liqueur                                                  '''2019'''
*Barony of Bhakail's Brewing Champion Dec 2015-2016
*Vanilla Almond Liqueur                                                '''2019'''
*Competed in 2016 K&Q A&S
*Open Fire & Fermentation Basic Mead                                    '''2020'''
*Created a Karwijzaad (Kummel) for EKBG pannel at Mudthaw 2016
*Open Fire & Fermentation Sack Mead                                    '''2020'''
*Created a Gruit for Artisan Village 2016
*T'aj Mead                                                              '''2020'''
*Taught Beginning & Advanced Mead Brewing at Pennsic 2016
*Gruit                                                                  '''2020'''
*Created Sir Digby's Raspberry White Wine for EKBG paneel 2017
*Krupnikas 2x                                                          '''2020'''
*Conducted 2 demos on how to make Basic mead over an open fire, one hands one for bystanders at Artisan's Village, June 2017
*Open Fire Scottish Heather Mead                                        '''2021'''
*Co-taught a class at Pennsic 2017, Brewing over an open fire
*Bochet                                                                '''2021'''
*Received the best of event for two meads reaching a score of 94/100 at River Wars 2017
*Gruit                                                                  '''2021'''
*Taught a class at Known World A&S Hartshorn-Dale March 9-11th 2018
*Krupnikas                                                              '''2021'''
*Competed in the Atlantia Kingdom Brewer competition at YMIR Feb. 2019
*Kummel                                                                '''2021'''
*Taught a Class "Basic brewing" at the Canton of Attillium Aug 2019
*Rose Soda                                                              '''2021'''
*Pyment (Oaked)                                                        '''2022'''
*Rhodomel (Hydromel version)                                           '''2022'''
*Hippocras                                                              '''2022'''
*Honey Brown Ale                                                        '''2022'''
*Swedish Fish Liqueur                                                  '''2022'''
*Chinese Ginseng Tea                                                    '''2022'''
*Competed in Kingdom Brewer competition                                '''2022'''
=== Brewing Documentation ===
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tCrTEv2tWDpG8vpt5h20Iarz9o30mijBfMMswFY20CI/edit?usp=sharing Mulsum]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ajJxnddKpRqpxI-kdQdpKY8OnUmYoNHGInkSs61lkg/edit?usp=sharing t'aj]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nIo9oIyakFHezRtykF9RND7APxaSDxhFmwXBEfqcANg/edit?usp=sharing Karwijzaad]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JTqa0vqhh9wuIXJ0LjteyASRBDVgLpgtTx70aXpV5Q0/edit?usp=sharing Elderberry Mead]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/18F9LnZjN9Kauq08pX7lIWjobUElb-4p8N5gLdQ-cCI8/edit?usp=sharing Krupnik]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/11KYihBQ-_U2lueHIpI8aCp46WHhuLAxkWRv9lmMzfGk/edit?usp=sharing Hippocras]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XMl3FKPrIODPsnf0ixLfFZs1V2Op95SMi7RqzECJBAk/edit?usp=sharing Basic Mead]
=== A&S Classes Taught ===
*Co-taught Brewing over an open fire (Pennsic)                          '''2017'''
*Taught a class at Known World A&S                                     '''2018'''
*Taught a Class "Basic brewing" at the Canton of Attillium             '''2019'''
*Mead on a Budget taught in Baronial Social A&S                        '''2021'''
*Winter University Duh What's mead, basic brewing (Virtual)            '''2022'''
=== Brewing With Eadulf ===
A get together of SCA and Non SCA brewers to brew together & or classes on brewing.  Both Virtual and in person.
Topics/Brewing to date:
Basic Mead
Scottish Heather Mead
Mead on a Budget
Pyment & Mulsum how they are related
Honey Brown Ale
=== In Case of Court ===
Due to MPTSD's high anxiety from crowds and loud noises, I prefer drive by courts that are not surprises vs being called into a full court.
Due to a religious vow, I can not wear jewelry and prefer any necklaces just be either handed to me or clothing adornments.

== More Information ==
=== More Information ===
I hold Thrown Weapons for the physically challenged class every at Pennsic, when I am in attendance.
I love to talk brewing and Thrown weapons, come have a chat with me!
To go with the class at Pennsic I also run a tournament for physically challenged.

Revision as of 13:07, 3 May 2022


Thagn Eadulf Beornwald sunu & wife, Lady Erna Mani
Resides: Live in Fayetteville, NC, Plays with Windmasters Hill
Status: Active
Awards: Visit the Order of Precedence to access a list of this person's awards.
(Atlantia WikiLink Under Construction)

Or, in pale two ravens within a bordure sable


Thegn Eadulf Beornwaldes sunu

Formerly Known as Thegn Alexander Makcristyne

Currently resides in Fayetteville, NC. and plays with the Barony of Windmasters' Hill.

Recently Moved from the East Kingdom in July of 2019 to see my exploits in the East Kingdom here is a link to my East Kingdom Wiki https://wiki.eastkingdom.org/index.php?title=Alexander_Makcristyne

For the most up to date Atlantia achievements, visit my web site Here


I am currently a late 7th century Sutton Hoo Anglo-Saxon.

Offices & Positions

  • Barter Town Sheriff 2013 - Current
  • Pennsic War Point Coordinator 2015 - 2017
  • Warranted Thrown Weapons (Atlantia) 2019 - Active
  • Baronial Thrown Weapons Marshal Windmasters Hill 2019 - Active
  • Deputy Seneschal Windmasters Hill 2019 - 2022
  • Deputy A&S officer Windmasters Hill 2021 - Active

Service Based Classes

  • Inclusiveness for thrown weapons, for both Marshals and Throwers 2011 - Active
  • Throwing Competitions at Pennsic for the Physically disabled 2011 - When in attendance at Pennsic
  • Winter University Inclusiveness for Thrown weapons class 2020
  • Spring University Inclusiveness for Thrown weapons class (Virtual) 2021

Service Based Documents

Event Staff

  • Brewing coordinator/Room for Known World A&S 2018
  • Thrown weapons Marshal at WoW (spear Clout) 2019
  • MIC Thrown Weapons Marshal Raven's Cove Birthday 2020
  • Scheduled to be MIC Thrown Weapons for WoW, covid canceled 2021


  • Mead brewing 2005 - still brewing
  • Several meads paneled by the IKBG Pennsic 2006 - 2016
  • Competed in the Atlantia Kingdom Brewer competition at YMIR 2019
  • Elderberry Mead 2019
  • Black Currant/Blueberry Mead 2019
  • Open Fire & Fermentation Basic Mead 2019
  • Bochet 2019
  • Metheglin "Liquid Christmas" 2019
  • Belgian Saison 2019
  • Swedish Fish Liqueur 2019
  • Vanilla Almond Liqueur 2019
  • Open Fire & Fermentation Basic Mead 2020
  • Open Fire & Fermentation Sack Mead 2020
  • T'aj Mead 2020
  • Gruit 2020
  • Krupnikas 2x 2020
  • Open Fire Scottish Heather Mead 2021
  • Bochet 2021
  • Gruit 2021
  • Krupnikas 2021
  • Kummel 2021
  • Rose Soda 2021
  • Pyment (Oaked) 2022
  • Rhodomel (Hydromel version) 2022
  • Hippocras 2022
  • Honey Brown Ale 2022
  • Swedish Fish Liqueur 2022
  • Chinese Ginseng Tea 2022
  • Competed in Kingdom Brewer competition 2022

Brewing Documentation




Elderberry Mead



Basic Mead

A&S Classes Taught

  • Co-taught Brewing over an open fire (Pennsic) 2017
  • Taught a class at Known World A&S 2018
  • Taught a Class "Basic brewing" at the Canton of Attillium 2019
  • Mead on a Budget taught in Baronial Social A&S 2021
  • Winter University Duh What's mead, basic brewing (Virtual) 2022

Brewing With Eadulf

A get together of SCA and Non SCA brewers to brew together & or classes on brewing. Both Virtual and in person.

Topics/Brewing to date:

Basic Mead

Scottish Heather Mead


Mead on a Budget

Pyment & Mulsum how they are related


Honey Brown Ale

In Case of Court

Due to MPTSD's high anxiety from crowds and loud noises, I prefer drive by courts that are not surprises vs being called into a full court.

Due to a religious vow, I can not wear jewelry and prefer any necklaces just be either handed to me or clothing adornments.

More Information

I love to talk brewing and Thrown weapons, come have a chat with me!