User:Kalara of Lochmere: Difference between revisions

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<li>Poisons Found Along the Silk Road,  Atlantian University, (scheduled) February 5, 2022  
<li>Poisons Found Along the Silk Road,  Atlantian University, February 5, 2022  
<li>[ Poisons Found Along the Silk Road Slides]
<li> Also gave out a page with links to long ''Materia Medica'' texts available online. [ Links to Long Texts for Students' Amusement]

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<li>Poisons Found Along the Silk Road, Pan Asian University, Aethelmearc, October 1, 2021
<li>Poisons Found Along the Silk Road, Pan Asian University, Aethelmearc, October 1, 2021
<li>So You Have Enemies: Poisons in Period, Atlantian University, June 12th, 2021
<li>So You Have Enemies: Poisons in Period, Atlantian University, June 12th, 2021
<li>[ So You Have Enemies: Poisons in Period Slides]
<li>Attended Battle on the Bay in Storvik and taught "So You Have Enemies: Poisons in Period."  Even gave a copy of the handout to the Queen when she was stopping by!
<li>Attended Battle on the Bay in Storvik and taught "So You Have Enemies: Poisons in Period."  Even gave a copy of the handout to the Queen when she was stopping by!

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One of the loudmouths complaining that every kingdom but Atlantia had a female knight or two in 2020. Initiator of Great Cheapside Tavern Fight where almost no one, not even other female fighters, thought that Atlantia ought to have female knights. (10 years after I had quit fighting for health reasons, so there was no chance of me becoming one of those female knights.)  I thought I was going in with an army at my back when it was only the cold winds blowing.
One of the loudmouths complaining that every kingdom but Atlantia had a female knight or two in 2020. Initiator of Great Cheapside Tavern Fight where almost no one, not even other female fighters, thought that Atlantia ought to have female knights. (10 years after I had quit fighting for health reasons, so there was no chance of me becoming one of those female knights.)  I thought I was going in with an army at my back when it was only the cold winds blowing.

Certain denizens* of the Shire Roxbury Mills did not like that I was reading books about politics and making snarky remarks on my own Facebook page, so they tried to have me Restricted and Denied from the entire SCA.  Fortunately they couldn't find worse charges than, "She's showing up uninvited!" and even more fortunately, I had screenshots of every invitation to get-togethers that I'd gone to in the Shire.  I suppose there's something on me in a Kingdom file that says I lurk in the bushes still, as the Shire's own boogeyman, but it's all in their heads.  They ordered me to stop telling my side of the story and I agreed that I would do so as long as I was not harassed by anyone from Roxbury Mills.  Sadly the harassment continued and so I've been telling the story again, sometimes including the proper names of those involved, which is quite uncommon in the SCA since "plausible deniability" is part of the culture.  One has to stand up to bullies, no matter the cost.
Certain denizens* of the Shire Roxbury Mills did not like that I was reading books about politics and making snarky remarks on my own Facebook page, so they tried to have me Restricted and Denied from the entire SCA.  Fortunately they couldn't find worse charges than, "She's showing up uninvited!" and even more fortunately, I had screenshots of every invitation to get-togethers that I'd gone to in the Shire.  I suppose there's something on me in a Kingdom file that says I lurk in the bushes still, as the Shire's own boogie-woman, but it's all in their heads.  They ordered me to stop telling my side of the story and I agreed that I would do so as long as I was not harassed by anyone from Roxbury Mills.  Sadly the harassment continued and so I've been telling the story again, sometimes including the proper names of those involved, which is quite uncommon in the SCA since "plausible deniability" is part of the culture.  One has to stand up to bullies, no matter the cost.

*Not Lord Carlyle, who I have known for over ten years. I only mention him because he came close to winning Crown Tourney in 2021.  Really there are only five or so of the eighty members of the Shire involved in the story.
*Not Lord Carlyle, who I have known for over ten years. I only mention him because he came close to winning Crown Tourney in 2021.  Really there are only five or so of the eighty members of the Shire involved in the story.  I still wrote a song mocking them.

Makes pastiglia-decorated boxes.
Makes plaster-decorated boxes.

Forestry Guild
Forestry Guild

Revision as of 13:04, 7 February 2022

Kalara with Veil

Kalara of Lochmere


I joined the SCA around 2008 in the Kingdom of Atlantia as one of the rare-as-unicorns female heavy fighters. I could not brew, or sew, or cook but I could not turn down an invitation to come out and try to learn anything, either. My persona is that of a Slavic merchant in northern Italy in the 15th century or so. I became a bard, and a teacher, and though my heart is still with the heavy fighters my knees protest. Today I am primarily a thorn in the side of evil-doers.


Vert, a chalice Or and in chief a fish haurient embowed argent. (A fish out of water.)

A&S Philosophy

Others may do as they please, but I would prefer to make something that is a treasure rather than something commonplace.

Service Philosophy

Many hands make for light work.

Classes Taught



  • Poisons Found Along the Silk Road, Pan Asian University, Aethelmearc, October 1, 2021
  • So You Have Enemies: Poisons in Period, Atlantian University, June 12th, 2021
  • So You Have Enemies: Poisons in Period Slides
  • Attended Battle on the Bay in Storvik and taught "So You Have Enemies: Poisons in Period." Even gave a copy of the handout to the Queen when she was stopping by!


  • Heron of Alexandria: Fountains and Other Machines, Historic Haven
  • Heron of Alexandria: Fountains and Other Machines, Barony of Bright Hills Weekly Gathering


  • How to Make Butter and the Significance of St. Brigid in Ireland, Lochmere, as the youth officer


  • Roses and What Can Be Made With Them, Atlantian University, June 2011

Miscellaneous Doings

Began bardic circle in Highland Foorde cica 2010. First meetings were in a museum called Schifferstadt. Bardic included a very fine wassail for Yule. This bardic was later hosted by an underground secret nerd club and got quite large. It may have split by 2020.

Sponsored several bardic challenges.

Played an inter-baronial prank at Highland Foorde's Feast and Foolishness that involved stealing the ancient Log of Ponte Alto and dressing it in landsknecht garb to honor Ponte Alto's Baron and Baroness at the time. You had to be there.

One of the loudmouths complaining that every kingdom but Atlantia had a female knight or two in 2020. Initiator of Great Cheapside Tavern Fight where almost no one, not even other female fighters, thought that Atlantia ought to have female knights. (10 years after I had quit fighting for health reasons, so there was no chance of me becoming one of those female knights.) I thought I was going in with an army at my back when it was only the cold winds blowing.

Certain denizens* of the Shire Roxbury Mills did not like that I was reading books about politics and making snarky remarks on my own Facebook page, so they tried to have me Restricted and Denied from the entire SCA. Fortunately they couldn't find worse charges than, "She's showing up uninvited!" and even more fortunately, I had screenshots of every invitation to get-togethers that I'd gone to in the Shire. I suppose there's something on me in a Kingdom file that says I lurk in the bushes still, as the Shire's own boogie-woman, but it's all in their heads. They ordered me to stop telling my side of the story and I agreed that I would do so as long as I was not harassed by anyone from Roxbury Mills. Sadly the harassment continued and so I've been telling the story again, sometimes including the proper names of those involved, which is quite uncommon in the SCA since "plausible deniability" is part of the culture. One has to stand up to bullies, no matter the cost.

  • Not Lord Carlyle, who I have known for over ten years. I only mention him because he came close to winning Crown Tourney in 2021. Really there are only five or so of the eighty members of the Shire involved in the story. I still wrote a song mocking them.

Makes plaster-decorated boxes.

Forestry Guild

Briefly Youth Officer in Lochmere.

Washer of Dishes with Milord Raven and other noble souls at Revenge of the Stitch and Harvest Wars.

Attended Coronation in Dun Carraig.