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[[file:Kryss Kostarev.jpg]]
| photocaption = Kryss Kostarev in 2020| location = Kingdom of Atlantia | status = Active | device =
| devicecaption = Registered Arms | atlantianid = 0000}}

Revision as of 10:53, 7 March 2021


Kryss Kostarev is a 9th century hunter and fur trapper from the Dnieper river valley near Kiev. He has traveled this region extensively to merchant his furs and has become very prosperous.

Kryss became involved in the SCA in 1983 when his friends came to him with some problems they were having with their local shire in Morgantown, WV. Due to the nature of the problems, Kryss read the corpora and bylaws of the SCA along with the East Kingdom laws before he ever went to an event or meeting.

Offices & Positions

Over the course of many years, Kryss has held a lot of offices. He was the founding seneschal of Misty Highlands. He has been herald, a knight marshal, a chirurgeon, an archery marshal, a thrown weapons marshal, a chronicler, an A&S officer, and a deputy exchequer. He serves the SCA extensively at Pennsic where he has been the Director of Operations for the Chirurgeonate as well as coordinating the chirurgeonate for the woods battle for 10 years before they got rid of the chirurgeons. More recently he has run Pennsic Herald's Point and been involved in its administration for the past few years. He also puts in time marshalling at the thrown weapons and atlatl ranges.


Vairy Or and sable, two chevronels gules

Awards and Achievements

Companion of the Order of the Pelican, Court Baron, Companion of the Order of the Yew Bow. Companion of the Order of the Dolphin. He has received Baronial Awards from Lochmere.