Eldred AElfwald: Difference between revisions

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! colspan=2 | '''Furniture'''
! colspan=2 | '''Furniture''' || colspan=2 | '''Display'''
|  [[Image:Brighs_Bench.jpg|300px]]  
|  [[Image:Brighs_Bench.jpg|300px]]  
| '''Apprentice Bench''' <BR> Made as a gift for Brigh when she became my apprentice in 2005.  I made a similar one for Lucien.
| '''Apprentice Bench''' <BR> Made as a gift for Brigh when she became Eldred's apprentice in 2005.  He made a similar one for Lucien.
|  [[Image"Corvus_window.jpg|300px]]
| '''Corvus Rose Window''' <BR> This was a long term heraldic display project Eldred did while a member of House Corvus
|  [[Image:NC_chairs.jpg|300px]]  
|  [[Image:NC_chairs.jpg|300px]]  

Revision as of 11:38, 19 December 2019


Eldred Ælfwald
Resides: Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

Azure, three wheels and on a chief argent, a dragon statant azure.


Eldred is currently Triton Principal Herald of Atlantia. He is also a Companion of the Order of the Pelican, and a Companion of the Order of the Laurel (primarily for calligraphy & illumination). His introduction to the SCA was at a few events in the mid-1980's in the Barony Marche of the Debateable Lands where his interest in archery was sparked. In the early 1990's, he began attending events in Atlantia and additional arts and skills began to draw his attention--specifically: calligraphy, illumination, and brewing. Calligraphy and Illumination led to heraldry. Heraldry led to architecture and stained glass. Architecture led to an interest in period furniture and woodworking. Woodworking led to game boards and thus, to games and numismatics. In short, every dive into a particular art turns into a sideways exploration into other arts.


Eldred Ælfwald is a 12th century itinerant scribe living near Chester on the Welsh border.

Offices & Positions

Triton Principal Herald Atlantia Jan 2019
Azure Dragon Herald At-Large May 2008
Chancellor University of Atlantia Retired 2009
Clerk Signet Kingdom of Atlantia Retired 2006
Web Minister Clerk Signet, Atlantia Retired 2009
Editor, Scribes Handbook Clerk Signet, Atlantia Retired 2010
Head of Scriptorium Barony of Nottinghill Coill 2004
Archery Marshal At-Large Expired 2011
Gordian Knot Herald Barony of Nottinghill Coill Retired 2001
Herald Canton of Cyddlain Downs Retired 1997
Herald Canton of Falconcree Retired 1994
Seneschal Canton of Falconcree Retired 2002
Deputy Chronicler Barony of Nottinghill Coill Retired 2001
Minister of Arts & Sciences Canton of Falconcree Retired 2003
Acting Exchequer Canton of Falconcree 2001


Mistress Bríg ingen Érennaigh Apprentice Elevated to the Order of the Laurel in 2011
Master Lucien de la Rochelle Apprentice Elevated to the Order of the Pelican in 2018


  • Atlantian Heralds Handbook, 3rd edition. Currently in review.
Furniture Display
Apprentice Bench
Made as a gift for Brigh when she became Eldred's apprentice in 2005. He made a similar one for Lucien.
300px Corvus Rose Window
This was a long term heraldic display project Eldred did while a member of House Corvus
Nottinghill Coill Chairs of State
Magnus Iain Craig (who is a master cabinetmaker by trade) provided the mentoring and some of the joinery skill, but the vast majority of the work was completed by Eldred over several months (700 hours total). The design is based on the "Glastonbury chair" but with some hidden modern upgrades and redimensioning from the original plans. The chair is completely made from ash and finished with a ground walnut stain and sealed with three layers of hand-rubbed carnuba wax and linseed oil mix.

Things to Peruse

  • Ealdercote Home of Eldred AElfwald and Ealdthryth of Humberstone


Click to expand/collapse
  • Editor, Atlantian Heralds' Handbook, 3rd Edition, Kingdom of Atlantia, Society for Creative Anachronism, 2019-.
  • Editor, Atlantian Scribes Handbook, Kingdom of Atlantia, Society for Creative Anachronism. 2004-2010.
  • Annotated Bibliography of Scribal Resources. Proceedings of the Known World Heralds & Scribes Symposium, Society for Creative Anachronism. 2004
  • Canting. Proceedings of the Known World Heralds & Scribes Symposium, Society for Creative Anachronism. 2004
  • Introduction to Scroll Layout & Design. Proceedings of the Known World Heralds & Scribes Symposium, Society for Creative Anachronism. 2002
  • Animal Blazonry. Proceedings of the Known World Herald’s & Scribes Symposium. Society for Creative Anachronism. 2001.
  • Notre Dame de Paris. The Nottinghill Quill—Newsletter for the Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Society for Creative Anachronism.
  • Sainte-Chapelle. The Nottinghill Quill—Newsletter for the Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Society for Creative Anachronism.
  • St-Denis. The Nottinghill Quill—Newsletter for the Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Society for Creative Anachronism.
  • The Troubled Reign of King Stephen (3 part series), The Nottinghill Quill—Newsletter for the Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Society for Creative Anachronism.


I have taught a variety of classes and workshops over the years. I'm not sure these are all of them... Click the relevant section header to expand or collapse the list.


  • Surviving Court
  • Introduction to Heraldry
  • Animal Blazonry
  • Heraldry for Children
  • Beginning Names
  • Heraldry for Non-heraldic Cultures
  • Heraldry in History
  • So, You Want to be a Herald?
  • The Heraldic Submissions Process
  • Canting
  • Armorial Display
  • Basic Conflict Checking
  • Atlantian Order of Precedence
  • Heraldic Roundtable

Scribal Arts

  • A Survey of Illuminations from Durham Cathedral
  • Introduction to Making Scrolls
  • Scribal Roundtable
  • English Court Hands
  • Illuminations for the Artistically Challenged
  • Matching Hand to Illumination
  • Introduction to Scroll Layout and Design
  • Blazonry for Scribes
  • Introduction to Calligraphy


  • Rose Window
  • Capital Idea: Romanesque Architecture in France


  • Woodworking: Board Games
  • Woodworking: Cheap Campaign Furniture
  • Woodworking: Plain Benches
  • Woodworking: Breakdown Chairs
  • Woodworking: Curule/Coffered Chairs


  • The Troubled Reign of King Stephen
  • Introduction to Cordials
  • How to Write Documentation