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== Associates ==
== Associates ==
Etienne currently has no protégés, but does have several students.<br>
Etienne currently has no protégés, but does have several students.<br>
His students include:<br>
Eadulf Beornwald sunu<br>
Hua Meilan<br>
Thamira haSopheret<br>

His students include:
*Alexander de Burdegala
*Eadulf Beornwald sunu
*Galfrid de Couentre
*Hua Meilan
*James of Carinthia
*Siobhán inghean mhic Eochadha
*Thamira haSopheret

Revision as of 09:56, 2 May 2022


Etienne, Kingdom Arts & Sciences Festival, A.S. LVI
Resides: Shire of Border Vale Keep
Status: Active
Awards: Visit the Order of Precedence to access a list of this person's awards.
(Atlantia WikiLink Under Construction)

Argent, on a fleur-de-lys vert two annulets interlaced in fess argent.


Mécène Etienne Le Mons d'Anjou, OP, resides in Border Vale Keep, and participates in the Barony of Nottinghill Coill in the Kingdom of Atlantia. He also spent many years living in the Barony of the Sacred Stone and still remembers those lands with warm regards, often thinking of them as his homelands.


Mécène Etienne is a Frenchman residing in the province Anjou near the river, Loire. Descended from Good King René d'Anjou and models himself after René by taking the moniker of "Mécène", meaning patron (of the arts), which was often used by René. For Etienne, the year is about 1570 A.D.

Offices & Positions

Name of Position Location Dates
Society MoAS (Emergency Deputy) Society of Creative Anachronism 1/2022-Present
Kingdom Herald - Emergency Deputy (Nereid) Kingdom of Atlantia 1/2022-Present
Society MoAS Society of Creative Anachronism 10/2017-12/2021
Kingdom Herald – Staff (Sea Stag) Kingdom of Atlantia 1/2016-12/2021
Kingdom MoAS Kingdom of Atlantia 3/2015-10/2017
Regional MoAS - Deputy (Southern) Kingdom of Atlantia 4/2014-3/2015
Baronial Seneschal Barony of the Sacred Stone 5/2013-08/2014
Poeta Atlantiae Kingdom of Atlantia 4/2013-4/2014
Canton MoAS Canton of Crois Brigte 7/2012-5/2013
Kingdom Herald – Staff (Vexillum) Kingdom of Atlantia 6/2012-1/2016
Herald - Deputy (Scribal) Barony of the Sacred Stone 6/2012-6/2013
Baronial MoAS Barony of the Sacred Stone 6/2012-6/2013
Kingdom MoAS – Deputy (Performing Arts) Kingdom of Atlantia 6/2012-6/2013
Baronial MoAS - Deputy Barony of the Sacred Stone 8/2011-8/2012
Canton MoAS - Deputy Canton of Middlegate 6/2011-8/2012
Herald - At Large Kingdom of Atlantia 3/2011-6/2012
Poeta Atlantiae Kingdom of Atlantia 2/2011-4/2012

Awards & Orders

Etienne's awards can be found on his Order of Precedence.

Date, Award Name, Event, Bestowed By
• 3/5/2022, Court Baron (Atlantia), Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival (Atlantia), Eckehard I & Jane I
• 1/23/2021, Master of the Pelican (Atlantia), Andalucia Court at the Alhambra (Atlantia), Anton V & Luned IV
• 4/6/2019, Award of the Undine (Atlantia), Coronation of Christoph II and Adelhait II (Atlantia), Ragnarr V and Lynette II
• 10/19/2018, Companion of the Gordian Knot (Atlantia) (Nottinghill Coill), War of the Wings XIII (Atlantia), Lucien and Brig
• 1/27/2018, Companion of the Coill's Champions (Atlantia) (Nottinghill Coill), Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday (Nottinghill Coill), Lucien and Brig
• 3/4/2017, Award of the Golden Knot (Atlantia) (Nottinghill Coill), Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival (Falconcree), Lucien and Brig
• 10/10/2015, Award of the Undine (Atlantia), Chalice of the Sun God / Coronation (Ponte Alto), Logan VII and Esa II
• 7/18/2015, Award of the Golden Cord (Atlantia) (Nottinghill Coill), Collegium (Cydllan Downs), Takeda and Ariel
• 4/11/2015, Award of the Undine (Atlantia), Coronation of King Logan and Queen Esa (Windmasters' Hill), Michael X and Seonaid VIII
• 12/13/2014, Companion of the Golden Dolphin (Atlantia), Yule Toy Tourney 2014 (Nottinghill Coill), Michael X and Seonaid VIII
• 8/31/2013, Companion of the Coral Branch (Atlantia), Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday 31 (Sacred Stone), Amos I and Ysabella I
• 4/13/2013, Companion of the Sacred Stone (Atlantia) (Sacred Stone), Drums of War IV (Baelfire Dunn), Oshi and Sine
• 4/6/2013, Companion of the Opal (Atlantia), Atlantian Spring Coronation (Marinus), Amos I and Ysabella I
• 8/18/2012, Companion of the Phoenix Eye (Atlantia) (Sacred Stone), Flight of the Falcon (Aire Faucon), Oshi and Sine
• 8/20/2011, Award of Arms (Atlantia), Flight of the Falcon (Aire Faucon), Michael IX and Seonaid VII
• 1/22/2011, Award of the Flame of the Phoenix (Atlantia) (Sacred Stone), Songs of the Stone (Middlegate), Axel

Event Staff

Arts & Sciences Coordinator
• Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday and Investiture (1/2016), Fall Crown (11/2015),
• War of the Wings VIII (10/2013), Flight of the Falcon (8/2013), SAAD VII (4/2013),
• Kingdom 12th Night (1/2013), War of the Wings VII (10/2012),
• Sacred Stone 30th Birthday (8/2012), Flight of the Falcon (8/2012),
• Tourney of Friends (3/2012), Verses of the Stone – Performing Arts (1/2012),
• War of the Wings VI (10/2011)

• Southern War Practice IX (/2017), Kingdom A&S Festival (3/2017),
• Southern War Practice VII (Deputy) (9/2015),
• Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday XXXIV (02/2015), Drums of War IV (Deputy) (4/2013),
• Kingdom A&S Festival (Deputy) (2/2013).
• Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday XXXII & Investiture (8/2014),
• Kingdom Unevent (12/2013)

Class Coordinator
• Collegium (7/2015)

Projects & Publications

Writer: Celtic Trims (4/2012-4/2014) & SCA Today (7/2012)


Etienne's device is: Argent, on a fleur-de-lys vert two annulets interlaced in fess argent.
Etienne's badge is: (Fieldless) A fleur-de-lys bendwise vert.

In Case of Court

Etienne is not a shy or retiring flower and can be surprised at court. If you wish to pre-arrange his presence, please contact Maitre Dreux d'Anjou.


• Etienne prefers the use of the title "Mécène", as in Mécène Etienne Le Mons d'Anjou. Mécène means patron (of the arts) and is derived from Mécène (“Maecenas”), a Roman advisor (70 B.C.E. – 8 B.C.E.) and important patron for the Augustan poets. It was also used in reference to René of Anjou (sometimes referred to as René le mécène).
• Etienne's registered name is Eʃtienne Le Mons d'Anjou. The ʃ is a 'long s' and is silent. To prevent confusion, Etienne often drops it from the name. He does still use ʃ as his 'maker's mark' on scrolls and other art projects.

It is pronounced as: /me.sɛn/


Etienne currently has no protégés, but does have several students.

His students include:

  • Alexander de Burdegala
  • Eadulf Beornwald sunu
  • Galfrid de Couentre
  • Hua Meilan
  • James of Carinthia
  • Siobhán inghean mhic Eochadha
  • Thamira haSopheret