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== Service ==
== Classes Taught ==
<li>Continue Duties as Court Secretary for Their Royal Majesties Anton and Luned
<li>Anatomy of a Cranach Princess Dress, University of Atlantia, February 2021
<li>August - Video Editor for some of the Archery content for Pennsic in Your BackYard
<li>Making a Cranach Goldhaube, University of Atlantia, February 2021
<li>June - Teacher at Atlantia University "This is not the Scroll you are looking for." A discussion about making scrolls without the traditional Illumination and or Calligraphy.
<li>Women’s Cranach Hat Options Explained, University of Atlantia, February 2021
<li>Feb - Teacher at Atlantia University "This is not the Scroll you are looking for." A discussion about making scrolls without the traditional Illumination and or Calligraphy.
<li>Making a Cranach Goldhaube, A&S Night Barony of Tir-y-Don, January 2021
<li>Organized, Coordinated and Ran, "Iron Scribes" event at our home February 15th. 10 participants making scrolls in 6 hours. 3 hours for image, 3 hours for Text/Calligraphy. Breakfast provided, Lunch provided. Social media exposure for scribal and scribes. Scribal prizes provided.
<li>Women’s Cranach Hat Options Explained, A&S Night Barony of Tir-y-Don, January 2021
<li>Continue as Archery Marshal run by Baron Mors at our home once a week until March (On Hold Due to Covid-19)
<li>Continue having Sudentorre Scribal our home once a week until March (On Hold Due to Covid-19)

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<li>Helped making archery targets Holiday Faire
<li>How to Cheat on Illumination if You Can’t Draw, University of Atlantia, Shire of Berley Cort, February 2004

Revision as of 11:47, 11 March 2021

Resides: {{{location}}}
Status: {{{status}}}
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry


Amie Sparrow joined the SCA in 2003 in the Kingdom of Atlantia. She thought she was going to become a great scribe and created a great many scrolls in her early years but was eventually tempted to turn to costuming. She spends most of her time sewing historically accurate garb and teaching on a variety of costume-related subjects. She has served as Baroninal newsletter editor and Deputy of A&S. She shoots recurve bow and crossbow.


Vert, three sparrows and a chief engrailed argent. (August 2005)


  • Mistress of the Laurel 2018 (Using the term Meisterinde)
  • Companion of the Silver Heart 2017 (Atlantia) (Stierbach)
  • Companion of the Opal 2012 (Atlantia)
  • Award of the Silver Nautilus 2012 (Atlantia)
  • Award of the Silver Compass 2010 (Atlantia) (Stierbach)
  • Companion of the Pearl 2009 (Atlantia)
  • Award of Arms 2003 (Atlantia)
  • Companion of Saint Roch 2003 (Atlantia) (Stierbach)

A&S Honors

  • re
  • Se

Tidbits About Amie Sparrow

  • I do not have a Persona. I like too many different cultures and time periods!
  • My registered name is Portuguese.
  • I have been known to wear German Peasant and German Landsknecht garb. Who doesn't love Big Hats? Who doesn't love codpieces when dressed in men's garb?
  • I have been known to wear Turkish Ottoman in the summer. Who doesn't love shooting their Crossbow in pants?
  • I started Scribal and Illuminations doing more macabre scrolls, thinking maybe some might like something a little more hardcore. My first scroll was based on a "Mouth of Hell" from the Hours of Catherine of Cleves.
  • I am currently focusing on learning silverpoint (metalpoint) and pen & ink techniques so that not only is the image documentable but the execution is as well

Household Affiliation


Arts and Sciences Displays and Competitions 2021

  • March Kingdom Arts and Sciences Display

    Documentation for entry can be found here

  • January 12th Night Arts and Sciences Competition Recto: The Cranium, Silverpoint drawings

    Documentation for entry can be found here:

    Kingdom and Baronial Scrolls

    Selected Scrolls from 2021

    Full Scroll list for 2021

    • Golden Dolphin for Duchess Adelhait Fuchs, Exemplar: Dog resting by lying in profile to right, wearing a collar with ring. 1520-21 by Albrecht Dürer (Silverpoint over traces of underdrawing in carbon black (charcoal?) on pale pink prepared paper - From the British Museum) Text Exemplar: Secretary Hand and Kurrent, as was taken from an example of Albrecht Durer's own signature. (Image done with Silver Silverpoint with a trace amount of charcoal, and charcoal Calligraphy, with chalk medallion.)
    • Pearl for Baroness Eadyth Woderose, Exemplar: Witches' Sabbath late 16th–early 17th century Jacques de Gheyn II, Netherlandish - Text Exemplar: Forms of Gothic Cursive (Done with Sepia Ink and TerraCotta Ink with Sepia ink wash, done with a Crow quill nib and map nib)
    • Writ for Inga Fostra inn Danska to Join the Order of the Pelican, Exemplar: Gentile Bellini, The Sultan Mehmet II, 1480 - Text: Chancery (Done with Oak Gall ink and crowquill nib and map nib)

    *Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2021 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)

    Selected Scrolls from 2020

    *Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2020 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)

      Full Scroll list for 2020

    • Queens Award of Courtesy for Jonathas Reinisch - Exemplar: Image of a grotesque head comprising a goat, man, horse, and satyr head, set inside a decorative cartouche, by Giovanni Andrea Maglioli 1580-1610, Text Exemplar: Italian Hand a form of Chancery hand (Done with Oak Gall Ink and Iron Gall Ink, with Crow Quill nib and map nib with Gouache medallion.)
    • Kings Missiliers for Johannes von Hammersbach - Titian (Tiziano Vecellio), Study of St Sebastian for the high altarpiece in SS Nazaro e celso in Brescia, ca. 1519/20. Text Exemplar: a form of Cancellaresca from Tiziano, Vanitas. The Poet of the Image and the Shade of Beauty edited by Lionello Puppi, Serena Baccaglin. (Done with sepia ink and crow quill nib) Sidenote: Cancellaresca used in one or another of its five variants was the handwriting of Titian, Michelangelo and Raphael, of Bembo, Aldus, Lorenzo de Medici and Ficino, of San Vito, Sallando, L. Dati and many others.
    • The Order of the Golden Dolphin for Aine ingen Chuimín - Destruction of the Tower of Babel, The Egerton Genesis Picture Book, 3rd quarter of the 14th century, Egerton MS 1894, f. 6r. Text Exemplar: 14th Century Courthand as is the original folio. (Done with a wash of Iron Gall ink, Oak Gall ink and gouache)
    • Coral Branch for Nezhka Orshinaia - Terence’s Comedies, with Romanesque drawings, St. Albans Abbey, England 1150, Text Exemplar: also the Terence’s Comedies, with Romanesque drawings, St Albans Abbey, England 1150 (Done with handmade Oak Gall ink from M'Lord Þorgrímr kráka used in a map nib and also sepia commercial ink and gouache.)
    • Sea Dragon for Lochlainn hua Rigbarddain - a subset of King Saul published by Willem Swanenburg, 1611. Text exemplar, a version of Secretery hand from a English copy book 1571 (Done with Oak Gall Ink with Crow Quill nib and map nib with gouache medallion.)
    • Master of Defense for Julien de la Fontaine - The Helmeted Musketeer, 1587, done by Dutch artist Jacques de Gheyn II from a series titled: Officers and Soldiers (Plate 11). (Original 8 ⅜ x 6 3/16), and after Hendrick Goltzius. Text Exemplar, Libro di M. Giovambattista Palatino cittadino romano: nelqual s’insegna a scriuer ogni sorte lettera, antica & moderna, di qualun que natione, con le sue regole, & musure & essempi: et con vn breve et vtil discorso de le cifre. Translated to English: Book of M. Giovambattista Palatine, Roman citizen: in which every kind of letter, ancient and modern, of any kind, with its rules, measures, and example is taught to write.(Done with Oak Gall Ink with Crow Quill nib and map nib with Gouache helm and medallion.)
    • Kings Award of Excellence for Cuan MacDiage - A Subset of "The Dragon Devouring the Companions of Cadmus", by Hendrick Goltzius 1588, Netherlandish. Text exemplar, a Dutch Secretary Hand. (Done with Oak Gall ink and a Crow Quill nib, Fintec and Gouache used for the medallion.)
    • Award of the Undine and Award of the Fountain for Ragnarr Blackhammer - A Study of Hands Holding a Staff, from an Italian School from the 16th Century, in red chalk with white highlights. Text Exemplar, a 16th Century Version of Secratary Hand. (Scroll done with red chalk with while chalk highlights, text done with walnut ink using a crow quill nib. Fintec and Gouache used for the medallion. Original 7 7/8 x 5 1/8, this version matted 5x7)
    • Barons Award of Excellence from Baron Lochlainn, Barony of Ravens Cove for Lady Nehzka Orshinaia - An Anonymous Italian etching from 1530-1570. Test exemplar, from Liber Perutilis, a book about lettering and calligraphy published in 1553 by Heinrich Holzmuller a German print maker.
    • Golden Dolphin for Allegranza Marcovaldi - Lucas van Lewen (c. 1494 - 1533), the Archangel Gabriel. Text exemplar, general Old Law Hands, Court Hands, 16th Century. (Done with Oak Gall Ink and Iron Gall ink with a crow quill nib.)
    • Pearl for Syele Rose von Dampach - St. Mary Magdalene on the Clouds, 1518 Lucas van Leyden (Netherlandish). Text exemplar, Mira calligraphae monumenta 1561/1562 (Done with Iron Gall Ink with crow quill nib.)
    • Opal for Geneviefve d'Estelle (Backlog Opal from Iron Scribe event)- An engraving, in 'grotesque' style 'Pourtraicture ingenieuse de plusieurs facons de Masques' Flemish, 1555. Text Exemplar, La operina di Ludouico Vicentino, da imparare di scriuere littera cancellarescha, 1524. (Done with iron gall ink with crow quill nib)
    • Opal for Esa of Roxbury Mill - An engraving of Mars by Jacob de Gheyn II (d. 1599) - Text Exemplar-An example of Court Hand from Catholic History dot org. (Done with oak gall ink and crow quill nib)
    • Opal for Kaaren Valravn - An engraving and hand from the book Liber Perutilis, nunc primum editus, continens Formulas Latinorum & Germanicarum scripturarum Liber Perutilis 1553. (Done with oak gall ink with crow quill nib)

    Selected Scrolls from 2019

    *Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2019 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)


      • Stuff here


      Selected Scrolls from 2018

      *Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2018 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)

        Garb for 2018

        • Stuff here

        Selected Scrolls from 2017

        *Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2017 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)

          Full Scroll list for 2017

        • Companion of the Sea Stag for Caitilin Inghean Fhechin, Exemplar: Duitse heerser te paard, (attributed to) Abraham de Bruyn , 1577
        • Companion of the Sea Stag for Jonathas Rinesch, Exemplar: Aesop’s Fables in Disguise, De warachtighe fabulen der dieren in Two Early Publications by Johann Weichard Valvasor, with etchings by Marcus Gheeraerts (Brugge, 1567)
        • Silver Heart scroll for John the Brewer, Exemplar: Desprez, François "The Dramatic Dreams of Pantagruel" by Richard Breton 1565
        • Pelican Scroll for Lynette Semere, Exemplar: St Michael Slaying the Dragon, 1584, Engraving with Pelican detail from the Portrait of Maria Welzer, née Tänzel 1524 and Pelican from Peacock playing card by Virgil Solis c1550
        • Pearl Scroll for Faílenn Chu ingen uí Fháeláin, Exemplar: Waterschildpad die op zijn rug een wagen draagt, Johannes of Lucas van Doetechum, after Cornelis Floris (II), 1556

        Selected Scrolls for 2016

        *Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2016 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)

          Full Scroll list for 2016

        • Herring for Arianna Morgan, Exemplar: The Wise Woman by Wolfgang Resch, issued in Nurnberg, 1531
        • AoA for Gwen Verch llywelyn, Exemplar: Woman holding daisies; with feathers; Print by: Lucas Cranach the Elder biography, c1505
        • Court Baronage scroll for Ragnarr Blackhammer, Exemplar: Victory Lion 1537 with stylized man with holding black hammer
        • St. Roche for Kenelm Rogan, Exemplar: Bull engraving, 16th century
        • Silver Compass for Arnbjorg Karlsdottir, Exemplar: Griffin, facing left, engraving by: Israhel van Meckenem biography After: Martin Schongauer, German style, 1465-1500
        • Silver Bow scroll for Anastasiia Iosifova, Exemplar: Mouth of Hell, engraving, 16th century
        • Pelican Scroll for Ragnarr Blackhammer, Exemplar: Cornelis Galle I, Lucifer engraving, ca. 1590–1600

        Selected Scrolls for 2015

        *Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2015 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)

          Full Scroll list for 2015

        • AoA for Marguerite de Vienne, Exemplar: Hercules
        • Herring for Briana Maclukas, Exemplar: A page from a Icelandic Medieval Manuscript
        • Golden Dolphin for Valgard av Mors, Exemplar:

        Selected Scrolls for 2014

        *Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2014 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)

          Full Scroll list for 2014

        • Silver Bow for Cameron de Gray, Exemplar:
        • GoA for Thora Heri, Exemplar:
        • Painted archery award scrolls for each Archery Rank for Royal Archer Tournament, based on The Plague

        Selected Scrolls for 2013

        *Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2013 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)

          Full Scroll list for 2013

        • Silver Osprey for Eoin Mac Goric
        • YewBow for Karl Philipp von Königsberg, Exemplar:
        • AoA for Konrad von Windmeister, Exemplar: Dance Macabre
        • AoA for Einry Blix, Exemplar: 14th Century English Border with Castle
        • Scroll Blank for the Arts and Sciences competition, Exemplar Apollo
        • Scroll Blank for Barony or Kingdom use

        Selected Scrolls for 2012

        *Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2012 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)

          Full Scroll list for 2012

        • Saint Roche, Service Award for the Barony of Stierbach for John the Brewer, Exemplar: Mouth of Hell, 15th Century
        • YewBow for Ghijskijn Van Den Vaarst, Exemplar:Skulls and Flowers, 14 Century Book of Hours
        • Saint Roche, Service Award for the Barony of Stierbach, Dietrich Saphir Zum Drache, Exemplar: Mouth of Hell
        • Scroll Blank for Kingdom of Atlantia, Exemplar: a Capital D with Skull Border, 14th Century book of hours
        • Scroll Blank for Kingdom of Atlantia, Exemplar: from Katherine of Cleves book of hours, demons with hearts
        • Scroll Blank for Barony of Stierbach, Exemplar: Queen in a Chariot with Bow and Arrow
        • Archery award scrolls for each Archery Rank for Royal Archer Tournament, based on the Mouth of Hell
        • Court Barony for Guenieve de Monmarche, Exemplar: 14th Century Book of Hours
        • Saint Roche, Service Award for the Barony of Stierbach for Anastasiia Iosifova, Exemplar: Phoenix Rising
        • Opal for Rhiannon Morgain, Exemplar: Furtuna and the Wheel of Fortune

        Selected Scrolls for 2011

        *Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2011 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)

          Full Scroll list for 2011

        • Silver Bow, Archery Award for the Barony of Stierbach for Dietrich Saphir zum Drache, Exemplar: Four horsemen of the Apocalypse
        • Silver Bow, Archery Award for the Barony of Stierbach for Grimm Tokenson, Exemplar: Death of Knight
        • Silver Glove, Rapier Award for the Barony of Stierbach for Marina Wymarc, Exemplar: Bird of Paradise with small bird
        • Scroll Blanks for the Barony of Stierbach, Exemplar: Bird of Paradise with Border
        • Archery award scrolls for each Archery Rank for Royal Archery Tournament, based on Dungeons and Dragons

        Arts and Sciences Displays and Competitions from 2020 and 2019

        • March 2020, KASF Display, Recto: The Cranium, In Five Different Methods

          Documentation for entry can be found here: <iframe src= "" </iframe>

      • November 2019 entered Arts and Sciences competition at Dun Cairraig Baronial Birthday with, "A Model of Legs" A Ink Reproduction of an Engraving.

        Documentation for entry can be found here: <iframe src= "" </iframe>

      • November 2019, Display at Dun Carraig Baronial Birthday of "Recto: The Cranium" A Reproduction done as a Silver Point Drawing.

        Documentation for entry at can be found here: <iframe src= "" </iframe>

      • Progression photos of my first Silver Point drawing can be found here:
      • September 2019 Entered Arts and Sciences competition at Stierbach Baronial Birthday, "A Body of Work". A selection from the "Not On My Scroll", March 2019 and also "A Body of Work", November 2019 Display
      • August 2019 Pennsic, Arts and Sciences Display of "Not on my Scroll!"
      • March 2019 entered Arts and Sciences competition, at Stierbach Defending the Gate, "Torslunda Helm plate woodcut".
      • March 2019 Display of Reproduction Woodcuts, Etching and Engravings. Series of 10 pieces of work "Not on my Scroll" for Kingdom Arts & Science Festival

        Documentation for entry can be found here: <iframe src= "" </iframe>

        Arts and Sciences Displays and Competitions from 2016 through 2012

          li>October 2016 entered Arts and Sciences competition, Apollo Scroll for Chalice of the Sun God, Ponte Alto
        • October 2015 entered Arts and Sciences competition, Hercules Scroll for Chalice of the Sun God, Ponte Alto
        • March 2012 displayed of 5 Scroll Blanks, Atlantia Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival

        Classes Taught


        • Anatomy of a Cranach Princess Dress, University of Atlantia, February 2021
        • Making a Cranach Goldhaube, University of Atlantia, February 2021
        • Women’s Cranach Hat Options Explained, University of Atlantia, February 2021
        • Making a Cranach Goldhaube, A&S Night Barony of Tir-y-Don, January 2021
        • Women’s Cranach Hat Options Explained, A&S Night Barony of Tir-y-Don, January 2021


        • Nov - Current, Court Secretary for Their Royal Highness's Anton and Luned
        • Febuary - Current Have Sudentorre Scribal at home in Fredericksburg, Va once a week
        • April - Current help marshal Archery Practice with Baron Mors at our home once a week
        • Served as His Royal Majesty Ragnarr Blackhammer's Archery Champion, January - April
        • Attended event as His Majesty Ragnarr Blackhammer's Archery Champion and Retained for Their Majesties Ragnarr and Lynette at Kingdom 12th Night
        • Attended event as His Majesty Ragnarr Blackhammer's Archery Champion and Retained for Their Majesties Ragnarr and Lynette at Ice Castles
        • Attended event as His Majesty Ragnarr Blackhammer's Archery Champion and Retained for Their Majesties Ragnarr and Lynette at Brighthills Birthday and Investiture
        • Attended event as His Majesty Ragnarr Blackhammer's Archery Champion and Retained for Their Majesties Ragnarr and Lynette at Ponte Alto Investiture
        • Helped with Setup and Tear Down of Defending the Gate event
        • Attended event as His Majesty Ragnarr Blackhammer's Archery Champion and Retained for Their Majesties Ragnarr and Lynette at Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival
        • Attended event as His Majesty Ragnarr Blackhammer's Archery Champion and Retained for Their Majesties Ragnarr and Lynette at Defending the Gate
        • Attended event as His Majesty Ragnarr Blackhammer's Archery Champion and Retained for Their Majesties Ragnarr and Lynette at Marinus Investiture


        • Helped with Setup and Tear down of Defending the Gate event
        • Attended Highland River Melee event and Retained for Thier Majesties Ragnarr and Lynette
        • Attended Kings Assessment and Retained for Their Majesties Ragnarr and Lynette
        • Attended Stierbach Baronial Birthday event and Retained for Their Majesties Ragnarr and Lynette
        • Attended Queen Rapier Champion and Retained for Their Majesties Ragnarr and Lynette
        • Selected to Serve as His Royal Majesty Ragnarr Blackhammer's Archery Champion, October - December
        • Attended event as His Majesty Ragnarr Blackhammer's Archery Champion and Retained for Their Majesties Ragnarr and Lynette at War of the Wings multiple days
        • Attended event as His Majesty Ragnarr Blackhammer's Archery Champion and Retained for Their Majesties Ragnarr and Lynette at Fall Crown
        • Attended event as His Majesty Ragnarr Blackhammer's Archery Champion and Retained for Their Majesties Ragnarr and Lynette at Holiday Faire
        • Nov-Dec started Sudentorre Scribal held every other week at our home


        • Helped with set up and tear down of Defending the Gate
        • Demo for Wake Field School
        • Helped set up and tear down Stierbach Baronial Birthday
        • January - June, Served as Landed Baronage of The Barony of Stierbach


        • Helped with set up and tear down of Defending the Gate
        • Archery Targets for Coronation of William Thomas - Theme Richard II
        • Marshal in Charge of Archery Coronation
        • Helped with set up and tear down of Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival
        • Demo for Wake Field School
        • Helped set up and tear down Stierbach Baronial Birthday
        • Helped Archery Marshal Atlantia's Saint Sebastian Archery Tournament, Pennsic
        • Helped Archery Marshal at Pennsic War
        • Helped set up and tear down of Holiday Faire
        • Attended Unevent
        • January - December, Served as Landed Baronage of The Barony of Stierbach


        • Helped with set up and tear down of Defending the Gate
        • Demo for WakeField School
        • Helped with set up and tear down of Stierbach Baronial Birthday
        • Helped Archery Marshal Atlantia's Saint Sebastian Archery Tournament, Pennsic
        • Helped Archery Marshal at Pennsic War
        • Helped with set up and tear down of Holiday Faire
        • Demo for Massaponax High School
        • Attended Unevent
        • January - December, Served as Landed Baronage of The Barony of Stierbach


        • Helped with set up and tear down of Defending the Gate
        • Painted Archery Targets for Royal Archer Tournament
        • Painted archery award scrolls for each Archery Rank for Royal Archer Tournament
        • Helped with set up and tear down of Stierbach Baronial Birthday
        • Helped Archery Marshal Atlantia's Saint Sebastian Archery Tournament, Pennsic
        • Helped Archery Marshal at Pennsic War
        • Helped with set up and tear down of Holiday Faire
        • Demo for Massaponax High School
        • January - December, Served as Landed Baronage of The Barony of Stierbach


        • Helped with set up and tear down of Defending the Gate
        • Demo for WakeField School
        • Helped with set up and tear down of Stierbach Baronial Birthday
        • Helped Archery Marshal Atlantia's Saint Sebastian Archery Tournament, Pennsic
        • Helped Archery Marshal at Pennsic War
        • Helped with set up and tear down of Holiday Faire
        • Demo for Massaponax High School
        • Attended Unevent
        • January - December, Served as Landed Baronage of The Barony of Stierbach


        • Helped with set up and tear down of Defending the Gate
        • Painted Archery Targets to look like Giant Medieval Manuscripts or Figures from Medieval Manuscripts for Royal Archer Tournament
        • Painted archery award scrolls for each Archery Rank for Royal Archer Tournament
        • Helped with set up and tear down of Royal Archer Tournement
        • Demo for Wakefield school
        • Helped with set up and tear down of Stierbach Baronial Birthday
        • Helped Archery Marshal Atlantia's Saint Sebastian Archery Tournament, Pennsic
        • Helped Archery Marshal at Pennsic War
        • Helped set and and tear down Holiday Faire
        • Demo for Massaponax High School
        • Attended Unevent
        • January - May, Served as Seneschal of the Barony of Stierbach
        • June - December, Served as Landed Baronage of The Barony of Stierbach


        • Helped with set up and tear down on of Defending the Gate
        • Painted Archery award for each rank for scrolls for Royal Archery Tournament
        • Demo for Wakefield School
        • Helped with set up and tear down of Stierbach Baronial Birthday
        • Helped Archery Marshal Atlantia's Saint Sebastian Archery Tournament, Pennsic
        • Helped Archery Marshal at Pennsic War
        • Helped with set up and tear down of Atlantia 30 Year Celebration
        • Helped with set up and tear down of Holiday Faire
        • Demo for Massaponax High School
        • Attended Unevent
        • January - December, Seneschal for the Barony of Stierbach


        • Helped make archery Targets Defending the Gate
        • Helped Marshal archery, Defending the Gate
        • Demo Wakefield School
        • Helped Marshal archery, Sapphire Joust Archery
        • Helped make archery targets for Sapphire Joust
        • Helped with set up and tear down of Stierbach Baronial Birthday
        • Exchequer duties as needed for the Stierbach Baronial Birthday event
        • Archery Marshal in Charge Holiday Faire
        • Helped with set up and tear down for Holiday Faire
        • Exchequer duties as needed for the Holiday Faire event
        • Demo for Massaponax High School
        • Attended Unevent
        • Jaunary - June, Served as Exchequer for the Barony of Stierbach
        • June - December, Served as Seneschal for the Barony of Stierbach


        • Helped make archery targets for Defending the Gate
        • Helped Archery Marshall at Defending the Gate
        • Made the Archery Awards for Out of the Darkness Archery Event
        • Helped make and paint targets for Royal Archery Tournament
        • Participated in Demo for Wakefield School
        • Helped Archery Marshal at Pennsic
        • Helped Archery Marshal at Stierbach Baronial Birthday
        • Participated in Demo for An American Event
        • Archery Marshal in Charge at Holiday Faire
        • Participated in Demo for Massaponax High School
        • January - December, Served as Exchequer for the Barony of Stierbach


        • Helped Archery Marshall at Defending the Gate
        • Helped Archery Marshal at Tourney De La Enfant
        • Participated in Demo for Wakefield School
        • Helped Archery Marshal at Stierbach Baronial Birthday
        • Helped Archery Marshal at Pennsic
        • Archery Marshal in Charge at Holiday Faire
        • Participated in Demo for Massaponax High School
        • Continued to Serve as Archery Marshal for the Barony and held a practice once a week all year


        • Helped make archery targets for Defending the Gate
        • Helped Archery Marshall at Defending the Gate
        • Helped Archery Marshal at Tournoi des enfants
        • Participated in Demo for Wakefield School
        • Helped Archery Marshal at Stierbach Baronial Birthday
        • Helped Archery Marshal at Pennsic
        • Helped Archery Marshal at Holiday Faire
        • Participated in Demo for Massaponax High School
        • As Archery Marshal ran the weekly Archery Practices once a week all year


        • Marshall in Training for Archery at Defending the Gate
        • Helped with set up and tear down of Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival
        • Marshall in Training for Archery at Stierbach Baronial Birthday
        • Archery Marshall, Holiday Faire


        • How to Cheat on Illumination if You Can’t Draw, University of Atlantia, Shire of Berley Cort, February 2004

        Awards and Achievements

        1/18/2020 Mistress of The Order of The Pelican
        3/30/2019 Supporters (Atlantia) (Two lions rampant Or)
        3/30/2019 King's Award of Excellence (Atlantia)
        6/24/2017 Companion of the Silver Heart (Atlantia) (Stierbach)
        6/24/2017 Court Baroness (Atlantia)
        3/29/2014 Companion of the Pearl (Atlantia)
        6/22/2013 Companion of the Golden Dolphin (Atlantia)
        6/16/2012 Territorial Baroness, Retired (Atlantia) (Stierbach) - RETIRED 6/24/2017
        6/16/2012 Award of the Silver Nautilus (Atlantia)
        2/4/2012 Companion of the Coral Branch (Atlantia)
        11/20/2010 Companion of the Opal (Atlantia)
        8/29/2009 Companion of the Yew Bow (Atlantia)
        4/25/2009 Award of the Silver Compass (Atlantia) (Stierbach)
        11/22/2008 Holder of the Dreamer's Cup (Atlantia) (Stierbach)
        8/7/2007 Companion of Saint Roch (Atlantia) (Stierbach)
        5/26/2007 Companion of the King's Missiliers (Atlantia)
        3/31/2007 Award of the Silver Bow (Atlantia) (Stierbach)
        5/27/2006 Award of Arms (Atlantia)