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[[Image:Young Katherine Todd.jpg|200px|Young Katherine Todd]]
[[Image:Young Katherine Todd.jpg|200px|Young Katherine Todd]]
At Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival 2019, Katherine exhibited a poster that described her computer-aided translation of a previously un-translated manuscript from 13th C France, <i>Le Régime du corps d'Aldebrandin de Sienne</i>.
At Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival 2019, Katherine exhibited her computer-aided translation of a previously un-translated manuscript from 13th C France, <i>Le Régime du corps d'Aldebrandin de Sienne</i>.
[[Image:I1 Cardamon.jpg|200px|Le Régime du corps]]
[[Image:I1 Cardamon.jpg|200px|Le Régime du corps]]

Revision as of 18:17, 9 April 2020


Katherine Todd
Resides: Middlegate, Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

Registered Arms


Lady Katherine Todd
Lady Katherine Todd has been consistently active in the SCA since she was 6 weeks old, almost 20 years of participation. At an early age, she participated in A&S competitions and won some of them. She began volunteering in the kitchen at 10. Katherine arguably won the first War of the Wings for Windmaster’s Hill! The score was tied until they remembered to count the youth A&S point, which she and her siblings had won.
Young Katherine Todd
At Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival 2019, Katherine exhibited her computer-aided translation of a previously un-translated manuscript from 13th C France, Le Régime du corps d'Aldebrandin de Sienne. Le Régime du corps
When she's not cooking or translating, Katherine is a college student with a Minor in Ancient and Medieval Studies.


Catherine was awarded arms at Atlantian 12th Night 2019, but has not yet registered a device.

Awards and Achievements

Classes Taught in the Society

Charles Fleming Kids' Activities WOW 2019
Campaign Furniture on a Beer Budget (U of A 2002)
Secrets of Redaction Revealed! (Windmasters’ Hill Cooks & Performers Symposium 2015)
Heretic! (Gulf Wars 2012, Gulf Wars 2017, U of A 2018)
Potjiekos - Techniques for 3-legged iron cauldron (Known World Agriculture & Forestry Symposium 2019)
New and Old World Foods (Known World Agriculture & Forestry Symposium 2019)


House Corvus - Inducted 2019
Maison du Poulet Sable - Founding member 2017

Offices Held in the Society

Head Chef:
12-Nov-2016 Buckston’s Birthday
29-Jun-2019 Another Foolish Event

Commedia Roles

Drunken Sailor - Ymir 2016
Dottore - Atlantian 12th Night 2018
Feste - Ymir 2018
Ymir the Frost Giant - Journey Through The Nine Realms 2019
Nick Bottom - Atlantian 12th Night 2020
Nick Bottom - Kingdom Arts & Sciences Festival 2020
Charles and Odile play Bottom and Titania