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== Persona ==
== Our Brand ==
'''Date of Birth''': 1310
No organization can be good at everything. It's best to focus on a few things at a time. Here's what we are known for:
<b>Authentic food made delicious and accessible.</b> Here in the 21st Century, nearly every ancient cookbook has been transcribed and translated. Some we own; others we read online. We cook as much as possible from the original books, and we have a saying: If it's not delicious, you're doing it wrong. After all, these are recipes fit for a king, and were written and copied at tremendous expense. They must have been worth it.
'''Place of Origin''': Ghent, Flanders
<b>Dietary restrictions.</b> Many of our household members and friends have dietary restrictions ourselves, so we are very sensitive to that. We cook everything from scratch, and balance the menus so that the vegetarians and gluten-free and dairy-free diners all have plenty to eat.
<b>Fun.</b> We run a happy kitchen, where drop-ins are always welcome. No shouting allowed.
[[Image:Creative Commons - Towers of Ghent.jpg|200px|Creative Commons - Towers of Ghent]]
== Uniforms ==
The seat of the Counts of Flanders and the largest town in western Europe during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, Ghent was at the heart of the Flemish cloth trade. By 1350, the city boasted a population of 50,000, of whom no less than 5000 were directly involved in the industry.
We wear 14th Century style hoods with a flame pattern. They look best over black. A charred chicken on fire is our household badge. At evening court at one event, the King called for all newcomers to come forward. One of our young friends went up to the dais, wearing a borrowed Flaming Chicken outfit. "It's only her first event," exclaimed the King, "and you've already got your heraldry all over her!"
'''Occupation''': Soldier of the Weavers Guild, ally of the English at the Battle of Crecy, 1346
We don't cook in our best garb. Instead, we have very washable black poplin robes that don't show stains. Where do you get a lot of long black gowns that button up the front? It would take forever just to make the button holes. Charles had an idea: Go to eBay and buy a box of used altar-boy cassocks. Then fit them to each person at the side seams, cutting away the boxy shape to be more fitted. They still have a Roman collar, but the hood covers it. Problem solved!
[[Image:SCA Charles Fleming in full kit.JPG|200px|Charles Fleming in full kit]]
[[Image:Maison du Poulet Sable kitchen uniform.jpg|200px|Maison du Poulet Sable kitchen uniform]]
Edward III of England went to Ghent to be crowned king of France.  His son John, duke of Lancaster, was called John (of) Gaunt because he was born there.
Flanders began the 14th Century by defeating the French and their local vassals in the Battle of the Golden Spurs. In the turbulent years that followed, Ghent was essentially ruled by guilds of tradesmen and their representatives.  The guilds even maintained their own armies, of which I was a member.

== Heraldry ==
== Heraldry ==
Argent, a lion rampant sable, and on a chief vert three Latin crosses argent
Fieldless, a roasting spit sable bendwise, over all a roast chicken sable enflamed
Supported by a Spike and a Kittyhawk wearing a commedia mask
== Awards and Achievements ==
AWARD OF ARMS, Kingdom of Atlantia (Logan IV and Isabel II) - Windmasters' Hill Baronial Champions  - 6/28/2003
COMPANION OF THE ST. NICHOLAS, Barony of Windmasters' Hill (Gaston and Rosalind) - Ymir  - 2/9/2008
This is a very silly device, if you are a heraldry buff. First off, a roast chicken is an absurd charge. If not for a late-period Italian family named <em>de Rostis</em>, whose arms had meat on a spit, there's no way the persnickety SCA heralds would pass it.
HONORARY CITIZEN OF WINDMASTERS' HILL, Barony of Windmasters' Hill (Girard and Guenievre) - Academie of the Rapier  - 5/9/2009
[[Image:Heraldry-Arms of de Rostis.jpg|200px|Heraldic precedent: The arms of de Rostis]]
SUPPORTERS (Spike or Kittyhawk), Kingdom of Atlantia (Logan VI and Esa I) - Academie of the Rapier  - 5/9/2009
Second, a black chicken with gouts of flame is reminiscent of the Hand of Glory, a symbol from dark magic that is banned from SCA use. We sometimes refer to it as the Chicken of Glory.
COMPANION OF THE KITTY HAWK, Barony of Windmasters' Hill (Callistus and Adriana) - Buckston Birthday Bash  - 11/14/2015
== Feasts We Ran ==
We rotate positions in our kitchen. Someone might be head chef (director) one time, line cook (grip) another time, and sous chef (talent) yet another time. We are particularly proud of letting young cooks take leadership roles. Charles usually ends up being the kitchen manager (producer) because he has the credit card and trailer.
AUGMENTATION OF ARMS (a commedia mask proper), Kingdom of Atlantia (Christoph I and Adelhait I) - Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival  - 3/5/2016
AWARD OF THE NOTUS, Barony of Windmasters' Hill (Callistus and Adriana) - Buckston Birthday Bash  - 11/12/2016
AWARD OF THE EURUS, Barony of Windmasters' Hill (Daemon and Typhaine) - Buckston Birthday Bash  - 11/18/2017
AWARD OF THE EURUS, Barony of Windmasters' Hill (Daemon and Typhaine) - Buckston Birthday Bash  - 11/18/2017
COMPANION OF THE CORAL BRANCH, Kingdom of Atlantia (Cuán VIII and Signy II) - Ymir 45 - 2/22/2020

== Classes Taught in the Society ==
Buckston's Birthday 2015, 100 seats, [[Sigrid Mondegreen]] head chef.
Campaign Furniture on a Beer Budget (U of A 2002)
Secrets of Redaction Revealed! (Windmasters’ Hill Cooks & Performers Symposium 2015)
Buckston's Birthday 2016, 100 seats, [Charles (the) Fleming]] head chef.
Heretic! (Gulf Wars 2012, Gulf Wars 2017, U of A 2018)
Buckston's Birthday 2017, 100 seats, [[Katherine Todd]] head chef.
Potjiekos - Techniques for 3-legged iron cauldron (Known World Agriculture & Forestry Symposium 2019)
Atlantian Kingdom 12th Night, 200 seats,  [[Sigrid Mondegreen]] head chef.
New and Old World Foods (Known World Agriculture & Forestry Symposium 2019)
Another Foolish Event, 2019, day board for up to 100, [Charles (the) Fleming]] head chef.
== Households ==
[[House Corvus]] - Inducted 2019
[[Maison du Poulet Sable]] - Founding member 2017
<s>Mists of Atlantia - Green Knight, 2020, 60 seats, [Charles (the) Fleming]] head chef.</s> Postponed because of COVID-19.
== Offices Held in the Society ==
Head Chef:
12-Nov-2016 Buckston’s Birthday
<s>Hawkwood's Baronial Birthday, 2020, 120 seats, [Charles (the) Fleming]] head chef.</s> Postponed because of COVID-19.
29-Jun-2019 Another Foolish Event

== Commedia Roles ==
== Cooks to the Rescue ==  
Drunken Sailor - Ymir 2016
The Flaming Chickens are also known for stepping in when other feasts need help. When other cooks need a hand, we will send two or three of our members to help out.
Dottore - Atlantian 12th Night 2018
Feste - Ymir 2018
Ymir the Frost Giant - Journey Through The Nine Realms 2019
Nick Bottom - Atlantian 12th Night 2020
Nick Bottom - Kingdom Arts & Sciences Festival 2020

Revision as of 07:43, 1 April 2020


Maison du Poulet Noir at Another Foolish Event 2019
Resides: Middlegate, Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry

Submitted Arms


House Flaming Chicken
also known as Chez Poulet
or Maison du Poulet Noir
How do households form? By accident. Or maybe accretion is a better word. We cooked a few feasts with family and friends. Then we had a storage tub full of aprons and such. It needed a label. And we needed a Facebook group to coordinate rides and practices. Next thing you know, it was a Household.
Maison du Poulet Sable - Atlantian Kingdom 12th Night 2019

Our Brand

No organization can be good at everything. It's best to focus on a few things at a time. Here's what we are known for: Authentic food made delicious and accessible. Here in the 21st Century, nearly every ancient cookbook has been transcribed and translated. Some we own; others we read online. We cook as much as possible from the original books, and we have a saying: If it's not delicious, you're doing it wrong. After all, these are recipes fit for a king, and were written and copied at tremendous expense. They must have been worth it. Dietary restrictions. Many of our household members and friends have dietary restrictions ourselves, so we are very sensitive to that. We cook everything from scratch, and balance the menus so that the vegetarians and gluten-free and dairy-free diners all have plenty to eat. Fun. We run a happy kitchen, where drop-ins are always welcome. No shouting allowed.


We wear 14th Century style hoods with a flame pattern. They look best over black. A charred chicken on fire is our household badge. At evening court at one event, the King called for all newcomers to come forward. One of our young friends went up to the dais, wearing a borrowed Flaming Chicken outfit. "It's only her first event," exclaimed the King, "and you've already got your heraldry all over her!"
We don't cook in our best garb. Instead, we have very washable black poplin robes that don't show stains. Where do you get a lot of long black gowns that button up the front? It would take forever just to make the button holes. Charles had an idea: Go to eBay and buy a box of used altar-boy cassocks. Then fit them to each person at the side seams, cutting away the boxy shape to be more fitted. They still have a Roman collar, but the hood covers it. Problem solved!
Maison du Poulet Sable kitchen uniform


Fieldless, a roasting spit sable bendwise, over all a roast chicken sable enflamed
This is a very silly device, if you are a heraldry buff. First off, a roast chicken is an absurd charge. If not for a late-period Italian family named de Rostis, whose arms had meat on a spit, there's no way the persnickety SCA heralds would pass it.
Heraldic precedent: The arms of de Rostis
Second, a black chicken with gouts of flame is reminiscent of the Hand of Glory, a symbol from dark magic that is banned from SCA use. We sometimes refer to it as the Chicken of Glory.

Feasts We Ran

We rotate positions in our kitchen. Someone might be head chef (director) one time, line cook (grip) another time, and sous chef (talent) yet another time. We are particularly proud of letting young cooks take leadership roles. Charles usually ends up being the kitchen manager (producer) because he has the credit card and trailer.

Buckston's Birthday 2015, 100 seats, Sigrid Mondegreen head chef.
Buckston's Birthday 2016, 100 seats, [Charles (the) Fleming]] head chef.
Buckston's Birthday 2017, 100 seats, Katherine Todd head chef.
Atlantian Kingdom 12th Night, 200 seats, Sigrid Mondegreen head chef.
Another Foolish Event, 2019, day board for up to 100, [Charles (the) Fleming]] head chef.
Mists of Atlantia - Green Knight, 2020, 60 seats, [Charles (the) Fleming]] head chef. Postponed because of COVID-19.
Hawkwood's Baronial Birthday, 2020, 120 seats, [Charles (the) Fleming]] head chef. Postponed because of COVID-19.

Cooks to the Rescue

The Flaming Chickens are also known for stepping in when other feasts need help. When other cooks need a hand, we will send two or three of our members to help out.