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{{PopulaceBlue|photo = [[Image:Sir Not Appearing in this Film.jpg|300px]] | photocaption = Example Name| location = Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia | status = Active | device = [[Image:Blank shield.jpg|300px]] | devicecaption = Registered Arms}}  
{{PopulaceBlue|photo =  
[[File:51730777 10158389046062942 207774695120961536 o.jpg|300px|thumb]]
| photocaption = Lord Gideon ap Stephen| location = Barony of Hawkwood, Atlantia | status = Active | device =  
| Per bend sinister argent and sable, a musimon rampant counterchanged. = Registered Arms}}  

== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==
Put persona story here
Lord Gideon ap Stephen is an 11th Century Welsh bard currently living in the Barony of Hawkwood in the fair Kingdom of Atlantia.  He is the apprentice to Mistress Rosalind Jehanne and Master Dunstan le Heryngmongere. Gideon served as Royal Bard of Atlantia in AS 50.  He is a member of Atlantian Nobility and a companion of both the Coral Branch and The Order of the Pearl. Gideon also produces, curates and hosts The Knowne World Bardcast, a podcast for the bardic arts of the Knowne World.

== Persona ==
== Persona ==
blah blah blah
Stephen ap Gwynedd was good at few things beyond drinking and following. A worthless drunkard and hanger-on, Stephen found himself in the retinue of a self styled knight who, in later days, would be called a Crusader. While in the Holy Land, quite by accident, Stephen ap Gwynedd found himself improved in body, spirit and mind from the influence of better men. Free of the demon of drink and the lust of a lesser man, he realized that his true calling was to return to Wales and live a godly life. Upon returning home Stephen found his wife quite pregnant with a son that he hoped he had fathered before leaving for the Holy Land. Regardless of his child’s actual parentage, Stephen ap Gwynedd loved and cared for his son, and named him after one of the mightiest of God's warriors: Gideon. Gideon ap Stephen turned out to be an enormous pouf who would never pick up a sword, much less be considered a warrior for any God, Christian or otherwise. While a roaring disappointment to his Da, Gideon turned out to be an excellent storyteller and lore-keeper. HIs silver tongue and rapier wit kept him in and out of trouble as he journeyed as far and wide as his feet and ships could take him.  Gideon declared it his life’s mission to learn and preserve the songs, stories and poems of the Knowne World as well as contributing his own. After many miles and many tales, Gideon found a home in The Fair Kingdom of Atlantia where he has been adopted by the bardic community and is a dedicated patron to the Courtesans of the kingdom.

== Offices & Positions ==
== Offices & Positions ==
•Premier Baronial Bard of Hawkwood (AS 40-41)
* '''Position''', Place, Time

•Deputy Webminister of Hawkwood (AS 4O-41)
* '''Position''', Place, Time
•Deputy/Interim Chronicler of Hawkwood (AS 52) 

== Projects & Publications ==
== Projects & Publications ==
*[http://atlantia.sca.org Atlantia]: The best Kingdom
*[http://gideonapstephen.squarespace.com]: Gideon's Apprentice Website

== Heraldry ==
== Heraldry ==
blazon blazon blazon
Per bend sinister argent and sable, a musimon rampant counterchanged

== Awards and Achievements ==
== Awards and Achievements ==
8/29/2015 Award of Arms (Atlantia)
1/13/2018 Companion of the Coral Branch (Atlantia)
5/19/2018 Companion of the Pearl (Atlantia)
4/6/2019 Award of the Fountain (Atlantia)
5/25/2019 Award of the Silver Nautilus (Atlantia)
'''Classes Taught'''
Runestone Collegium, Atlantian University & Northshield Bardic Madness AS 50-53
How to Command a Room Without Being a Jerk About it: Stage Presence
Carve Your Tongue Song on the Truth Keeper: Norse Kennings
How to Win Friends and Make Enemies at the Fire (Five Songs You Should Know and why. )

* Award of Arms (Atlantia) 1/15/2005
By Hoof and Horn: An Examination of the Scapegoats and Wronged Throughout Mythology.

My Sonnet’s Words Are Nothing Like a Pun: Writing Sonnets w/Uncle Gideon

* More mathy than you
Writing Villanelles Like A Villain

Revision as of 18:21, 23 August 2019


Lord Gideon ap Stephen
Resides: Barony of Hawkwood, Atlantia
Status: Active
Awards: Order of Precedence Entry



Lord Gideon ap Stephen is an 11th Century Welsh bard currently living in the Barony of Hawkwood in the fair Kingdom of Atlantia. He is the apprentice to Mistress Rosalind Jehanne and Master Dunstan le Heryngmongere. Gideon served as Royal Bard of Atlantia in AS 50. He is a member of Atlantian Nobility and a companion of both the Coral Branch and The Order of the Pearl. Gideon also produces, curates and hosts The Knowne World Bardcast, a podcast for the bardic arts of the Knowne World.


Stephen ap Gwynedd was good at few things beyond drinking and following. A worthless drunkard and hanger-on, Stephen found himself in the retinue of a self styled knight who, in later days, would be called a Crusader. While in the Holy Land, quite by accident, Stephen ap Gwynedd found himself improved in body, spirit and mind from the influence of better men. Free of the demon of drink and the lust of a lesser man, he realized that his true calling was to return to Wales and live a godly life. Upon returning home Stephen found his wife quite pregnant with a son that he hoped he had fathered before leaving for the Holy Land. Regardless of his child’s actual parentage, Stephen ap Gwynedd loved and cared for his son, and named him after one of the mightiest of God's warriors: Gideon. Gideon ap Stephen turned out to be an enormous pouf who would never pick up a sword, much less be considered a warrior for any God, Christian or otherwise. While a roaring disappointment to his Da, Gideon turned out to be an excellent storyteller and lore-keeper. HIs silver tongue and rapier wit kept him in and out of trouble as he journeyed as far and wide as his feet and ships could take him. Gideon declared it his life’s mission to learn and preserve the songs, stories and poems of the Knowne World as well as contributing his own. After many miles and many tales, Gideon found a home in The Fair Kingdom of Atlantia where he has been adopted by the bardic community and is a dedicated patron to the Courtesans of the kingdom.

Offices & Positions

•Premier Baronial Bard of Hawkwood (AS 40-41)

•Deputy Webminister of Hawkwood (AS 4O-41)

•Deputy/Interim Chronicler of Hawkwood (AS 52)

Projects & Publications

  • [1]: Gideon's Apprentice Website


Per bend sinister argent and sable, a musimon rampant counterchanged

Awards and Achievements

Awards 8/29/2015 Award of Arms (Atlantia)

1/13/2018 Companion of the Coral Branch (Atlantia)

5/19/2018 Companion of the Pearl (Atlantia)

4/6/2019 Award of the Fountain (Atlantia)

5/25/2019 Award of the Silver Nautilus (Atlantia)


Classes Taught

Runestone Collegium, Atlantian University & Northshield Bardic Madness AS 50-53

How to Command a Room Without Being a Jerk About it: Stage Presence

Carve Your Tongue Song on the Truth Keeper: Norse Kennings

How to Win Friends and Make Enemies at the Fire (Five Songs You Should Know and why. )

By Hoof and Horn: An Examination of the Scapegoats and Wronged Throughout Mythology.

My Sonnet’s Words Are Nothing Like a Pun: Writing Sonnets w/Uncle Gideon

Writing Villanelles Like A Villain