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| == Introduction ==
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| Esperanza Susanna Flecha joined the SCA in 2000, in the Kingdom of Artemisia. Becoming active again in 2004, she attended her first Pennsic in 2005, and started an archery career shortly after. She has served as Barony of Stierbach Archery Marshal, Exchequer and Seneschal. She changed from shooting a longbow and recurve bow to a crossbow in 2010. Her claim to fame is being the first woman Grand Bowman Elite, in the Kingdom of Atlantia, achieving a Royal Round Score of 102.6 in September 2010.
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| <p>She started as a Baronial Scribe in 2011, eventually making Kingdom scrolls as well. She continued to make scrolls, though less scrolls while landed Baroness of the Barony of Stierbach, Kingdom of Atlantia starting in June of 2012. Exclusive pen and ink scrolls started in 2013, using period exemplars to make reproduction images of woodcuts, engraving, etchings and drawings. Esperanza was landed Baroness of the Barony of Stierbach until June of 2017. She continues to shoot a crossbow, and has significantly increased the amount of scrolls produced since stepping down as landed Baroness. She continues to serve her Kingdom, Barony and Canton, currently hosting the Canton of Sudentorre Scribal Scriptorium at her home with Valgard av Mors.
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| == Heraldry ==
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| Argent masoned gules, a cinquefoil pierced sable and on a chief gules in pale an arrow fesswise and an arrow fesswise reversed argent. (August 2008)<BR>
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| == Offices & Positions ==
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| <ul>
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| <li>Court Baroness 2017
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| <li>Territorial Baroness of Stierbach 2012-2017
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| <li>Senechal of Stierbach 2010-2012
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| <li>Exchequer Barony of Stierbach 2008-2010
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| <li>Baronial Archery Marshall 2007-2008
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| <li>Warranted Archery Marshal 2006-present
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| == Archery Honor ==
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| <ul>
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| <li>First woman Grand Bowmen Elite, Kingdom of Atantia - Achieved Sept 2010 with a 102.6 Royal Round Score
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| == Tidbits About Esperanza Susanna Flecha==
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| <ul>
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| <li> I do not have a Persona. I like too many different cultures and time periods!
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| <li> My registered name is Portuguese.
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| <li> I have been known to wear German Peasant and German Landsknecht garb. Who doesn't love Big Hats? Who doesn't love codpieces when dressed in men's garb?
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| <li> I have been known to wear Turkish Ottoman in the summer. Who doesn't love shooting their Crossbow in pants?
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| <li> I started Scribal and Illuminations doing more macabre scrolls, thinking maybe some men or women might like something a little more hardcore. My first scroll was based on a "Mouth of Hell" from the Hours of Catherine of Cleves.
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| == Kingdom and Baronial Scrolls ==
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| ===Selected Scrolls from 2019===
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| <gallery>
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| YewBow2019.jpg| YewBow for Lewin de Partone
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| SeaDragon2019.jpg| Sea Dragon for Aden of Kingswood
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| 54728451 1979091928867607 4081062342517850112 o.jpg| Pearl for Signy Biarnardottir
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| 54523427 1979389165504550 5491315219231670272 o.jpg| Pelican for Stephen Grimm
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| 70413102 2258981857545278 3136604793678594048 o.jpg| Pearl for Angeline of the Grove
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| 72201307 2310601669049963 5916729384848326656 o.jpg| Coral Branch for Marguerite Honoree d'Cheneau
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| </gallery>
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| <big>*'''[https://www.facebook.com/esperanzasusanna.flecha/media_set?set=a.1885785091531625&type=3 Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2019 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)''']</big>
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| ===Full Scroll list for 2019===
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| <li>Coral Branch for Thorve of Highland Foorde - depicting the Guidonian hand, from a page from the essay "Principium et ars totius musicae" by Francesco Ferrarese, Italian School (16th century)
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| <li>Coral Branch for Marguerite Honoree d'Cheneau - male grotesque mask; ca. 1545-ca.1549 by Pierre Milan. Formerly attributed to René Boyvin
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| <li>Silver Osprey for William de Hirst, Image Drawn by Jan Swart 1510-1553
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| <li>Silver Compass for Cynthia deBol Miles Grey, Table explaining the Gamut, expemplar 13th Century
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| <li>St Roche for Dunstan Stonehill, A Celestoal Harp 15th Century
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| <li>AoA for Finnbreth Rigsdatter, Atable for Runic Futhorc 1110-1111 written at Thomas Abbey
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| <li>Pearl for Angeline of the Grove (below), Exemplar: An older woman standing in profile,gathered up apron and skirt, Enea Vico (1523 - 1567), printmaker after Parmigianino (1503 - 1540) Exemplar for text: Thesavro de writer, Author Carpi, Ugo da, 1480-approximately 1532
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| <li>St Roche for Elliot Knell, Head of Apollo Hendrick Goltzius 1588
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| <li>Order of the Minatuar, Barony of Stierbach for Valgard av Mors, Hans Holbein original image 1497- 1543
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| <li>Undine for Anastasiia Iosifova - Peacock playing cards by Virgil Solis 1550.
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| <li>Kings Missilier for Amelth of Lochmere - A Memento Mori by Matthieu Platte-Montagne (Flemish, 1607/08–1660)
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| <li>Coral Branch for Randall Clarke, Peasants Dancing, Barthel Beham 1540
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| <li>Opal - Combination of three Illustrations from Claude Paradins Devices Heroiques 1557
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| <li>Coral Branch for Gabriel of Roxbury Mills - Woodcut of Falconer by G. Tuberville 1575
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| <li>AoA for Mardoll Kettlingerr - Sea Serpent Woodcut by Ulisse Aldrovandi published after his death in 1605
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| <li>Sea Dragon for Aden of Kingswood - Grotesque fantasy beast. A print from Neuw Grottessken Buch 1610
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| <li>Opal Scroll for Yrsa Geiradottir - A woodcut of the Mouth of Hell, Lucas Cranach 1472-1553
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| <li>Pelican Scroll for Stephen Grimm - Sigismund I "the Old", 1466 - 1548, woodcut by H. Saumann, 1550/1555
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| <li>Pearl for Signy Biarnardottir - Woman Spinning and Visitor by Israhel van Meckenem the Younger c1503
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| <li>Golden Golden Scroll for Sara Van Eerde - Heads of grotesque animals, print made by Daniel Hopfer 1505-1536
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| <li>Fountain Scroll for Esa inghean Donnchaidh - Fortunio Liceti, (1577–1657)
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| <li>Opal Scroll for Bryn Tannahill
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| <li>Court Baronage Scroll for Kollack Von Zweckel - Halberdier walking left, 1530–62 by Virgil Solis
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| <li>Court Baronage Court for Rebecca Von Zweckel - Georg Pencz engraving 1500-1550
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| <li>YewBow Scroll for Lewin de Partone - Lamech and Cain by Lucas van Leyden 1524
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| <li>AoA for Sigrid Mondegreen - Drawing of a fork and two spoons. Late 16th Century Italian
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| <li>Opal Scroll for Paganus Akritas - German Peasant Hans Sebald Beham, Germany, 1547, Engraving
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| ===Selected Scrolls from 2018===
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| <gallery>
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| Sadb2018.jpg|Pearl for Sadb ingen Chonchobair
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| Chris2018.jpg|YewBow for Chris Le Strange
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| 43950873 1750499041726898 1115061780209467392 o.jpg| Onore del Ponte d'Argento for Lady Ciosa di Tommaso, a commissioned piece
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| Getulio2018.jpg|Coral Branch for Getalio d'Amalfi
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| amie2018.jpg|Laurel for Amie Sparrow
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| damiana2018.jpg|Star of the Sea for Damiana Morena
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| </gallery>
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| <big>*'''[https://www.facebook.com/esperanzasusanna.flecha/media_set?set=a.1706143166162486&type=3 Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2018 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)''']</big>
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| ===Full Scroll list for 2018===
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| <li>Backlog Silver Osprey for Oswin Inn Heimski, Exemplar: Viking boar sword hilt, painted similar to a Childeric I's
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| <li>Laurel Scroll for Amie Sparrow, Images of German Women, Clothing she has worn and classes she has taught gilding with Viking Bag, Exemplars: 1500's Women attributed to the father and son Lucas Cranach (Elder 1472-1553), Hans Baldung Grien - Portat einer Burgersfrau mit Haube aus Hagenauer Geschlecht 1519-1520, A Young Girl of Cologne and Durers Wife by Albrecht Durer 1520, Traut Wolf Der freudenreische - schmerzensreiche und glorreiche Rosenkranz Maria c 1510, Portrat einer Frau (Creszentia Pirckheimer) Albrecht Durer 1471-1528
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| <li>Silver Horn for the Barony of Stierbach for Hrafnar Drottinson, Exemplar: An Arent van Bolton print, c1604-1616.
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| <li>Silver Horn for the Barony of Stierbach for FinneBreth Ricksdattor, Exemplar: “Female and Male Monsters”, Arent van Bolton, c.1604-1616.
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| <li>Onore del Ponte Dargento from Ponte Alto for Vadoma, Exemplar: A Roma woman, 'Egyptian woman' who restored the health of the King of Scotland (probably James V) after he was given up as lost by his own doctors.
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| <li>AoA for Idris Fofanahath, Exemplar: decorated Viking ax from grave at Bjerringhøj. 970-972
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| <li>Onore del Ponte Dargento from Ponte Alto for Ciosa di Tommaso, Exemplar: Titled Pfvh Tevfel Friss Pfaffen Scheiss Landtsknect 1590
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| <li>Coral Branch for Getulio O'Amalta, Exemplar: An Effigy of an Unknown Soldier 1200-1300
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| <li>AoA for Atila Utgaard, Exemplar: male figure holding a sword, a lion among the flames at his feet; from a series of seven woodcuts. c.1510 Woodcut
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| <li>Undine for Philomene de Lys, Exemplar: a written poem of the Mantle by Sharaf al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Būṣīrī (d.694 AH /1294 CE)
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| <li>Silver Bow for Dominic Morisi, Exemplar: Ornamental vertical panel of entwined oak branches with a stag head, a quiver of arrows and two boar heads at the base” (descriptive title only), c1650–56.
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| <li>Silver Compass for Jasper of Hartshornedale of Wolfhou, Exemplar: Banchetti 16th C. Kitchen Scene
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| <li>Silver Heart for Helena Hrolfsdottir, Exemplar: Illustrations by Tobias Stimmer, second half of 16th century
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| <li>Silver Horn for Sigmani Regvinn, Exemplar: Drie muzikanten, Heinrich Aldegrever, 1551
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| <li>YewBow scroll for Chris Le Strange, Exemplar: The Phillip Medhurst Collection, Hendrick Goltzius ca.1617
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| <li>AoA for Delecta d'Averno, Exemplar: Catalog of Stars early 1600's Ottoman
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| <li>Kings Missilier for Dagney Austkona, Exemplar: Ornamenti o Grettesche - 1610
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| <li>Golden Dolphin Scroll for Arnbjorg Karlsdottir, Exemplar: Carmina figurata from a Festival prayer book (mahzor) for Rosh ha-Shanah, France, 14th c.
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| <li>Sea Star scroll for Daminana Morena, Exemplar: Grotesque mask, c.1600 Etching Print made by Aloisio Giovannoli
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| <li>AoA for Paganus Akritas, Exemplar: Ptolemaic Constellations, Ottoman 1417
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| <li>Pearl for Sadb ingen Chonchbair, Exemplar: Sebald Beham (Pauli 141); winged female figure seated on a plinth, holding a lamb, 1561
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| <li>Star of the Sea for Alys d'Avignon, Exemplar: An etching possibly by René Boyvin (French, Angers ca. 1525–1598)
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| <li>Scroll Blank fpr the Reign of Dietrich and Una, Exemplar: of a Polychrome Title from Turkey 1580
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| <li>Scroll Blank for the Reign of Dietrich and Una, Exemplar: Ottoman Woman 1581
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| <li>Opal scroll for Jasper of Hartshornedale of Wolfhou, Exemplar: Grotesque mask 1545-1549
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| <li>Silver Compass for Erich Von Klienfeld, Exemplar: Oldest description of tracheotomy 1552
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| </ul>
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| ===Selected Scrolls from 2017===
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| <gallery>
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| 41602479 1709587305818072 9083732909075988480 o.jpg|Pelican for Lynette Semere
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| 41500312 1709706785806124 7642223970506244096 o.jpg|Sea Stag for Caitilin inghean Fheichin
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| 41665356 1709701439139992 3466040703816040448 o.jpg|Pearl for Faillenn Chu ingen ui Fhaelain
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| 41491122 1709703972473072 536513261483327488 o.jpg|Silver Heart (Stierbach) for John the Brewer
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| </gallery>
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| <big>*'''[https://www.facebook.com/esperanzasusanna.flecha/media_set?set=a.1709481769161959&type=3 Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2017 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)''']</big>
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| ===Full Scroll list for 2017===
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| <li>Companion of the Sea Stag for Caitilin Inghean Fhechin, Exemplar: Duitse heerser te paard, (attributed to) Abraham de Bruyn , 1577
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| <li>Companion of the Sea Stag for Jonathas Rinesch, Exemplar: Aesop’s Fables in Disguise, De warachtighe fabulen der dieren in Two Early Publications by Johann Weichard Valvasor, with etchings by Marcus Gheeraerts (Brugge, 1567)
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| <li>Silver Heart scroll for John the Brewer, Exemplar: Desprez, François "The Dramatic Dreams of Pantagruel" by Richard Breton 1565
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| <li>Pelican Scroll for Lynette Semere, Exemplar: St Michael Slaying the Dragon, 1584, Engraving with Pelican detail from the Portrait of Maria Welzer, née Tänzel 1524 and Pelican from Peacock playing card by Virgil Solis c1550
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| <li>Pearl Scroll for Faílenn Chu ingen uí Fháeláin, Exemplar: Waterschildpad die op zijn rug een wagen draagt, Johannes of Lucas van Doetechum, after Cornelis Floris (II), 1556
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| </ul>
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| ===Selected Scrolls for 2016===
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| <gallery>
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| 41580181 1709397485837054 1581369617941528576 o.jpg|Court Baron for Ragnarr Blackhammer
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| 41515068 1709389845837818 3532743534492778496 o.jpg|Silver Bow (Stierbach) for Anastasiia Iosifova
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| 41496155 1709401365836666 765148883343900672 o.jpg|Herring for Gwen verch Llwelyn
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| 41525966 1709378889172247 3861585472128024576 o.jpg|Pelican for Ragnarr Blackhammer
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| 41471233 1709390749171061 5696656961408335872 o.jpg|St Roche (Stierbach) Arnbjorg Karlsdottir
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| </gallery>
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| <big>*'''[https://www.facebook.com/esperanzasusanna.flecha/media_set?set=a.1709362852507184&type=3 Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2016 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)''']</big>
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| ===Full Scroll list for 2016===
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| <li>Herring for Arianna Morgan, Exemplar: The Wise Woman by Wolfgang Resch, issued in Nurnberg, 1531
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| <li>AoA for Gwen Verch llywelyn, Exemplar: Woman holding daisies; with feathers; Print by: Lucas Cranach the Elder biography, c1505
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| <li>Court Baronage scroll for Ragnarr Blackhammer, Exemplar: Victory Lion 1537 with stylized man with holding black hammer
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| <li>St. Roche for Kenelm Rogan, Exemplar: Bull engraving, 16th century
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| <li>Silver Compass for Arnbjorg Karlsdottir, Exemplar: Griffin, facing left, engraving by: Israhel van Meckenem biography After: Martin Schongauer, German style, 1465-1500
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| <li>Silver Bow scroll for Anastasiia Iosifova, Exemplar: Mouth of Hell, engraving, 16th century
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| <li>Pelican Scroll for Ragnarr Blackhammer, Exemplar: Cornelis Galle I, Lucifer engraving, ca. 1590–1600
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| </ul>
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| ===Selected Scrolls for 2015===
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| <gallery>
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| 41548479 1709711299139006 4311241605689376768 o.jpg|AoA for Marguerite de Vienne
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| <big>*'''[https://www.facebook.com/esperanzasusanna.flecha/media_set?set=a.1709709209139215&type=3 Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2015 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)''']</big>
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| ===Full Scroll list for 2015===
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| <li>AoA for Marguerite de Vienne, Exemplar: Hercules
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| <li>Herring for Briana Maclukas, Exemplar: A page from a Icelandic Medieval Manuscript
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| <li>Golden Dolphin for Valgard av Mors, Exemplar:
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| </ul>
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| ===Selected Scrolls for 2014===
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| <gallery>
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| 41580090 1709759079134228 7217059071906545664 o.jpg|Goa For Thora Heri
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| 41539678 1710415439068592 9215818503641104384 o.jpg|Silver Bow (Stierbach) for Cameron de Gray
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| 41536308 1709716495805153 2946784771251896320 o.jpg|Grand Bowmen Elite Archery Scroll for Royal Archer Tournament
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| 41547364 1709720425804760 5312500066953461760 o.jpg|Bowmen Archery Scroll for Royal Archer Tournament
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| </gallery>
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| <big>*'''[https://www.facebook.com/esperanzasusanna.flecha/media_set?set=a.1709709209139215&type=3 Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2014 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)''']</big>
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| ===Full Scroll list for 2014===
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| <li>Silver Bow for Cameron de Gray, Exemplar:
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| <li>GoA for Thora Heri, Exemplar:
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| <li>Painted archery award scrolls for each Archery Rank for Royal Archer Tournament, based on The Plague
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| </ul>
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| ===Selected Scrolls for 2013===
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| <gallery>
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| 41736250 1714639591979510 1707005408578633728 o.jpg|AoA for Konrad von Windmeister
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| 41779802 1714639521979517 9039622766017380352 o.jpg|Scroll Blank
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| </gallery>
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| <big>*'''[https://www.facebook.com/esperanzasusanna.flecha/media_set?set=a.1710753209034815&type=3 Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2013 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)''']</big>
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| ===Full Scroll list for 2013===
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| <li>Silver Osprey for Eoin Mac Goric
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| <li>YewBow for Karl Philipp von Königsberg, Exemplar:
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| <li>AoA for Konrad von Windmeister, Exemplar: Dance Macabre
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| <li>AoA for Einry Blix, Exemplar: 14th Century English Border with Castle
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| <li>Scroll Blank for the Arts and Sciences competition, Exemplar Apollo
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| <li>Scroll Blank for Barony or Kingdom use
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| </ul>
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| ===Selected Scrolls for 2012===
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| <gallery>
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| 41700995 1710689585707844 5308363480871469056 o.jpg|Grand Bowmen Elite Scroll for Royal Archer Tournament
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| 41706146 1710689652374504 5161768000721780736 o.jpg|Bowmen Elite Scroll for Royal Archer Tournament
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| 431353 189269837849834 853375880 n.jpg|Scroll Blank for Kingdom of Atlantia
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| 418986 189266284516856 1190289780 n.jpg|Scroll Blank for the Barony of Stierbach
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| 41665355 1710687262374743 3183726980122017792 o.jpg|St Roche (Stierbach) for Dietrich Saphir zum Drache
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| </gallery>
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| <big>*'''[https://www.facebook.com/esperanzasusanna.flecha/media_set?set=a.1710680635708739&type=3 Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2012 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)''']</big>
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| ===Full Scroll list for 2012===
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| <li>Saint Roche, Service Award for the Barony of Stierbach for John the Brewer, Exemplar: Mouth of Hell, 15th Century
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| <li>YewBow for Ghijskijn Van Den Vaarst, Exemplar:Skulls and Flowers, 14 Century Book of Hours
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| <li>Saint Roche, Service Award for the Barony of Stierbach, Dietrich Saphir Zum Drache, Exemplar: Mouth of Hell
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| <li>Scroll Blank for Kingdom of Atlantia, Exemplar: a Capital D with Skull Border, 14th Century book of hours
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| <li>Scroll Blank for Kingdom of Atlantia, Exemplar: from Katherine of Cleves book of hours, demons with hearts
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| <li>Scroll Blank for Barony of Stierbach, Exemplar: Queen in a Chariot with Bow and Arrow
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| <li>Archery award scrolls for each Archery Rank for Royal Archer Tournament, based on the Mouth of Hell
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| <li>Court Barony for Guenieve de Monmarche, Exemplar: 14th Century Book of Hours
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| <li>Saint Roche, Service Award for the Barony of Stierbach for Anastasiia Iosifova, Exemplar: Phoenix Rising
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| <li>Opal for Rhiannon Morgain, Exemplar: Furtuna and the Wheel of Fortune
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| </ul>
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| ===Selected Scrolls for 2011===
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| <gallery>
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| 42232518 1720063718103764 7093203626818011136 n.jpg|Royal Archer Tournament Winner Scroll - Valgard av Mors
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| 41530676 1710674202376049 726903586847457280 n.jpg|Silver Bow (Stierbach) Grimm Tokesonn
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| 41663760 1710674209042715 1561910027361452032 n.jpg|Silver Glove Marina Wymarc
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| </gallery>
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| <big>*'''[https://www.facebook.com/esperanzasusanna.flecha/media_set?set=a.1710668062376663&type=3 Click here to see the full list of Photos Displayed on Facebook of 2011 Scrolls with Exemplar references (Change to Feed View)''']</big>
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| ===Full Scroll list for 2011===
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| <li>Silver Bow, Archery Award for the Barony of Stierbach for Dietrich Saphir zum Drache, Exemplar: Four horsemen of the Apocalypse
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| <li>Silver Bow, Archery Award for the Barony of Stierbach for Grimm Tokenson, Exemplar: Death of Knight
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| <li>Silver Glove, Rapier Award for the Barony of Stierbach for Marina Wymarc, Exemplar: Bird of Paradise with small bird
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| <li>Scroll Blanks for the Barony of Stierbach, Exemplar: Bird of Paradise with Border
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| <li>Archery award scrolls for each Archery Rank for Royal Archery Tournament, based on Dungeons and Dragons
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| == Displays ==
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| <ul>
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| 52938759%201950153075094826%205413757039102918656%20o.jpg| A selection from the "Not On My Scroll" Display
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| 52999854 1950153138428153 8684302763024187392 o (1).jpg| A selection from the "Not On My Scroll" Display
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| Torso.jpg|A selection from the "Not On My Scroll" Display
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| 43950873 1750499041726898 1115061780209467392 o.jpg|The only scroll from the "Not On My Scroll" Display, A commissioned piece
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| </gallery>
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| <ul>
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| <li>September 2019 Displayed "A Body of Work" at Stierbach Baronial Birthday
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| <li>August 2019 Pennsic A&S Display "Not on my Scroll!"
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| <li>March 2019 Displayed Torslunda Helm plate woodcut for Arts & Science
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| <li>March 2019 Display of Reproduction Woodcuts, Etching and Engravings. Series of 10 "Not on my Scroll"for Kingdom Arts & Science Festival
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| <li>October 2016 Apollo Scroll for Chalice of the Sun God
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| <li>October 2015 Hercules Scroll for Chalice of the Sun God
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| <li>March Atlantia KASF 2012 Displayed 5 Scroll Blanks
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| </ul>
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| == Service ==
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| '''2019'''
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| <ul>
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| <li>Febuary-Current Have Sudentorre Scribal at home in Fredericksburg, Va once a week
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| <li>April-current help marshal Archery Practice with Baron Mors at our home once a week
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| <li>His Majesty Ragnarr's Archery Champion and Retainer at Kingdom 12th Night
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| <li>His Majesty Ragnarr's Archery Champion and Retainer at Ice Castles
| |
| <li>His Majesty Ragnarr's Archery Champion and Retainer at Brighthills Investiture
| |
| <li>His Majesties Archery Champion and Retainer at Ponte Alto Investiture
| |
| <li>Helped with Setup and Tear Down of Defending the Gate event
| |
| <li>His Majesties Archery Champion and Retainer at KASF
| |
| <li>His Majesties Archery Champion and Retainer at Defending the Gate
| |
| <li>His Majesties Archery Champion and Retainer at Marinus Investiture
| |
| </ul>
| |
| |
| '''2018'''
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>Helped with Setup and Tear down of Defending the Gate event
| |
| <li>Attended Highland River Melee event and Retained for Thier Majesties Ragnarr and Lynette
| |
| <li>Attended Kings Assessment and Retained for Thier Majesties Ragnarr and Lynette
| |
| <li>Attended Stierbach Baronial Birthday event and Retained for Thier Majesties Ragnarr and Lynette
| |
| <li>Attended Queen Rapier Champion and Retained for Thier Majesties Ragnarr and Lynette
| |
| <li>Attended event as His Majesty Ragnarr's Archery Champion and Retainer at War of the Wings multiple days
| |
| <li>Attended event as His Majesty Ragnarr's Archery Champion and Retainer at Fall Crown
| |
| <li>Attended event as His Majesty Ragnarr's Archery Champion and Retainer at Holiday Faire event
| |
| <li>Nov-Dec started Sudentorre Scribal held every other week at our home
| |
| </ul>
| |
| |
| '''2017'''
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Defending the Gate
| |
| <li>Demo for Wake Field School
| |
| <li>Helped set up and tear down Stierbach Baronial Birthday
| |
| <li>January - June, Served as Landed Baronage of The Barony of Stierbach
| |
| </ul>
| |
| |
| '''2016'''
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Defending the Gate
| |
| <li>Archery Targets for Coronation of William Thomas - Theme Richard II
| |
| <li>Marshal in Charge of Archery Coronation
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival
| |
| <li>Demo for Wake Field School
| |
| <li>Helped set up and tear down Stierbach Baronial Birthday
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal Atlantia's Saint Sebastian Archery Tournament, Pennsic
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal at Pennsic War
| |
| <li>Helped set up and tear down of Holiday Faire
| |
| <li>Attended Unevent
| |
| <li>January - December, Served as Landed Baronage of The Barony of Stierbach
| |
| </ul>
| |
| |
| '''2015'''
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Defending the Gate
| |
| <li>Demo for WakeField School
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Stierbach Baronial Birthday
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal Atlantia's Saint Sebastian Archery Tournament, Pennsic
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal at Pennsic War
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Holiday Faire
| |
| <li>Demo for Massaponax High School
| |
| <li>Attended Unevent
| |
| <li>January - December, Served as Landed Baronage of The Barony of Stierbach
| |
| </ul>
| |
| |
| '''2014'''
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Defending the Gate
| |
| <li>Painted Archery Targets for Royal Archer Tournament
| |
| <li>Painted archery award scrolls for each Archery Rank for Royal Archer Tournament
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Stierbach Baronial Birthday
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal Atlantia's Saint Sebastian Archery Tournament, Pennsic
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal at Pennsic War
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Holiday Faire
| |
| <li>Demo for Massaponax High School
| |
| <li>January - December, Served as Landed Baronage of The Barony of Stierbach
| |
| </ul>
| |
| |
| '''2013'''
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Defending the Gate
| |
| <li>Demo for WakeField School
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Stierbach Baronial Birthday
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal Atlantia's Saint Sebastian Archery Tournament, Pennsic
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal at Pennsic War
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Holiday Faire
| |
| <li>Demo for Massaponax High School
| |
| <li>Attended Unevent
| |
| <li>January - December, Served as Landed Baronage of The Barony of Stierbach
| |
| </ul>
| |
| |
| '''2012'''
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Defending the Gate
| |
| <li>Painted Archery Targets to look like Giant Medieval Manuscripts or Figures from Medieval Manuscripts for Royal Archer Tournament
| |
| https://www.facebook.com/esperanzasusanna.flecha/media_set?set=a.1710702202373249&type=3
| |
| <li>Painted archery award scrolls for each Archery Rank for Royal Archer Tournament
| |
| https://www.facebook.com/esperanzasusanna.flecha/media_set?set=a.228178327292318&type=3
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Royal Archer Tournement
| |
| <li>Demo for Wakefield school
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Stierbach Baronial Birthday
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal Atlantia's Saint Sebastian Archery Tournament, Pennsic
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal at Pennsic War
| |
| <li>Helped set and and tear down Holiday Faire
| |
| <li>Demo for Massaponax High School
| |
| <li>Attended Unevent
| |
| <li>January - May, Served as Seneschal of the Barony of Stierbach
| |
| <li>June - December, Served as Landed Baronage of The Barony of Stierbach
| |
| </ul>
| |
| |
| '''2011'''
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down on of Defending the Gate
| |
| <li>Painted Archery award for each rank for scrolls for Royal Archery Tournament
| |
| <li>Demo for Wakefield School
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Stierbach Baronial Birthday
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal Atlantia's Saint Sebastian Archery Tournament, Pennsic
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal at Pennsic War
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Atlantia 30 Year Celebration
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Holiday Faire
| |
| <li>Demo for Massaponax High School
| |
| <li>Attended Unevent
| |
| <li>January - December, Seneschal for the Barony of Stierbach
| |
| </ul>
| |
| |
| '''2010'''
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>Helped make archery Targets Defending the Gate
| |
| <li>Helped Marshal archery, Defending the Gate
| |
| <li>Demo Wakefield School
| |
| <li>Helped Marshal archery, Sapphire Joust Archery
| |
| <li>Helped make archery targets for Sapphire Joust
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Stierbach Baronial Birthday
| |
| <li>Exchequer duties as needed for the Stierbach Baronial Birthday event
| |
| <li>Archery Marshal in Charge Holiday Faire
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down for Holiday Faire
| |
| <li>Exchequer duties as needed for the Holiday Faire event
| |
| <li>Demo for Massaponax High School
| |
| <li>Attended Unevent
| |
| <li>Jaunary - June, Served as Exchequer for the Barony of Stierbach
| |
| <li>June - December, Served as Seneschal for the Barony of Stierbach
| |
| </ul>
| |
| |
| '''2009'''
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>Helped make archery targets for Defending the Gate
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshall at Defending the Gate
| |
| <li>Made the Archery Awards for Out of the Darkness Archery Event
| |
| <li>Helped make and paint targets for Royal Archery Tournament
| |
| <li>Participated in Demo for Wakefield School
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal at Pennsic
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal at Stierbach Baronial Birthday
| |
| <li>Participated in Demo for An American Event
| |
| <li>Archery Marshal in Charge at Holiday Faire
| |
| <li>Participated in Demo for Massaponax High School
| |
| <li>January - December, Served as Exchequer for the Barony of Stierbach
| |
| </ul>
| |
| |
| '''2008'''
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshall at Defending the Gate
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal at Tourney De La Enfant
| |
| <li>Participated in Demo for Wakefield School
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal at Stierbach Baronial Birthday
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal at Pennsic
| |
| <li>Archery Marshal in Charge at Holiday Faire
| |
| <li>Participated in Demo for Massaponax High School
| |
| <li>Continued to Serve as Archery Marshal for the Barony and held a practice once a week all year
| |
| </ul>
| |
| |
| '''2007'''
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>Helped make archery targets for Defending the Gate
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshall at Defending the Gate
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal at Tournoi des enfants
| |
| <li>Participated in Demo for Wakefield School
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal at Stierbach Baronial Birthday
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal at Pennsic
| |
| <li>Helped Archery Marshal at Holiday Faire
| |
| <li>Participated in Demo for Massaponax High School
| |
| <li>As Archery Marshal ran the weekly Archery Practices once a week all year
| |
| </ul>
| |
| |
| '''2006'''
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>Marshall in Training for Archery at Defending the Gate
| |
| <li>Helped with set up and tear down of Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival
| |
| <li>Marshall in Training for Archery at Stierbach Baronial Birthday
| |
| <li>Archery Marshall, Holiday Faire
| |
| </ul>
| |
| |
| '''2005'''
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>Helped making archery targets Holiday Faire
| |
| </ul>
| |
| |
| == Awards and Achievements ==
| |
| '''Awards'''<BR>
| |
| 3/30/2019 Supporters (Atlantia) (Two lions rampant Or)<BR>
| |
| 3/30/2019 King's Award of Excellence (Atlantia)<BR>
| |
| 6/24/2017 Companion of the Silver Heart (Atlantia) (Stierbach)<BR>
| |
| 6/24/2017 Court Baroness (Atlantia)<BR>
| |
| 3/29/2014 Companion of the Pearl (Atlantia)<BR>
| |
| 6/22/2013 Companion of the Golden Dolphin (Atlantia)<BR>
| |
| 6/16/2012 Territorial Baroness, Retired (Atlantia) (Stierbach) - RETIRED 6/24/2017<BR>
| |
| 6/16/2012 Award of the Silver Nautilus (Atlantia) <BR>
| |
| 2/4/2012 Companion of the Coral Branch (Atlantia)<BR>
| |
| 11/20/2010 Companion of the Opal (Atlantia)<BR>
| |
| 8/29/2009 Companion of the Yew Bow (Atlantia) <BR>
| |
| 4/25/2009 Award of the Silver Compass (Atlantia) (Stierbach)<BR>
| |
| 11/22/2008 Holder of the Dreamer's Cup (Atlantia) (Stierbach)<BR>
| |
| 8/7/2007 Companion of Saint Roch (Atlantia) (Stierbach) <BR>
| |
| 5/26/2007 Companion of the King's Missiliers (Atlantia)<BR>
| |
| 3/31/2007 Award of the Silver Bow (Atlantia) (Stierbach) <BR>
| |
| 5/27/2006 Award of Arms (Atlantia)<BR>
| |
| |
| |
| '''Classes Taught'''<BR>
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>Class 1
| |
| <li>Class 2
| |
| </ul>
| |
| |
| == Marshal Activities ==
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>Authorized in Combat Archery 2013
| |
| <li>Authorized as Archery Marshal 2006
| |
| <li>Authorized in Rapier 2000
| |
| </ul>
| |
| |
| == Affiliations ==
| |
| <ul>
| |
| <li>
| |
| <li>Member:
| |
| <li>Member:
| |
| <li>Apprentice of
| |
| </ul>
| |