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#REDIRECT[[Maison du Poulet Noir]]
{{PopulaceBlue|photo =
[[File:Charles Fleming 14th C.jpeg|thumb | center]]
| photocaption =Lord Charles (the) Fleming of House Corvus| location =  Middlegate, Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia | status = Active | device =
[[File:Maison du Poulet Noir.jpg|thumb|center]]
| devicecaption = Submitted Arms | }}
== Introduction ==
<big>'''Lord Charles (the) Fleming of House Corvus'''</big>
<em>Protege to [[Maistreas Aine O Grienan]]</em>
<em>Husband to [[Odile de Strasbourg]]</em>
I first met the SCA in Ansteorra in 1976. Swashbuckling was pretty much invented in my college quad—rattan daggers and all—and a couple of guys who would later win some of the first White Scarves invited me to a weekend demo at the Texas Renaissance Faire. Back then it was all about wine, women, and song. I tried on a Cavalier outfit, but I looked like Peter Frampton in drag, so I grew my first mustache to look manly in a wig.
[[Image:Kurt of Flanders.jpeg|200px|First SCA Persona]]
I think my first armor was made of scrap carpet, with a borrowed helmet made from a Freon can. Later I upgraded to white plastic pipe salvaged from oilfield drilling mud samples.
I got married and settled down. Decades passed.
Many years later, as a dad, I was looking for a way to get outdoors, go dancing, enjoy a sport, and give our home school a boost. The SCA met all the requirements, but I have to say my wife was suspicious given my earlier experience in the club. We found the [[Windmasters’ Hill]] group at the local Festival for the Eno and have been active since the turn of the century.
These days I’ve retired from fighting. Cooking is my big interest, especially making period food delicious and accessible. With my family and friends, I have cooked in the SCA every few months for years. Kitchen people are the best. I love English Country dance, working with children, improv comedy with the ''[[i Firenzi]]'' troupe, and creative camp furnishings. Lately I have also tried my hand at [ songwriting].
My house is on the border between Sacred Stone and Windmasters' Hill. I attent events in both directions. In 2019 I threw a party for all the armored fighting clubs in the area, including the Knights of Fiat Lux, HEMA, and the Triangle Sword Conservatory. I hope to make that a regular thing. As far as I'm concerned, if you strap on harness and trade licks you're a comrade in arms. It matters little whether you spar with rattan or bokken or rebated steel. They all have their pros and cons.
== Persona ==
'''Date of Birth''': 1310
'''Place of Origin''': Ghent, Flanders
[[Image:Creative Commons - Towers of Ghent.jpg|200px|Creative Commons - Towers of Ghent]]
The seat of the Counts of Flanders and the largest town in western Europe during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, Ghent was at the heart of the Flemish cloth trade. By 1350, the city boasted a population of 50,000, of whom no less than 5000 were directly involved in the industry.
'''Occupation''': Soldier of the Weavers Guild, ally of the English at the Battle of Crecy, 1346
[[Image:SCA Charles Fleming in full kit.JPG|200px|Charles Fleming in full kit]]
Edward III of England went to Ghent to be crowned king of France.  His son John, duke of Lancaster, was called John (of) Gaunt because he was born there.
Flanders began the 14th Century by defeating the French and their local vassals in the Battle of the Golden Spurs. In the turbulent years that followed, Ghent was essentially ruled by guilds of tradesmen and their representatives.  The guilds even maintained their own armies, of which I was a member.
== Heraldry ==
Argent, a lion rampant sable, and on a chief vert three Latin crosses argent
Supported by a Spike and a Kittyhawk wearing a commedia mask
== Awards and Achievements ==
AWARD OF ARMS, Kingdom of Atlantia (Logan IV and Isabel II) - Windmasters' Hill Baronial Champions  - 6/28/2003
COMPANION OF THE ST. NICHOLAS, Barony of Windmasters' Hill (Gaston and Rosalind) - Ymir  - 2/9/2008
HONORARY CITIZEN OF WINDMASTERS' HILL, Barony of Windmasters' Hill (Girard and Guenievre) - Academie of the Rapier  - 5/9/2009
SUPPORTERS (Spike or Kittyhawk), Kingdom of Atlantia (Logan VI and Esa I) - Academie of the Rapier  - 5/9/2009
COMPANION OF THE KITTY HAWK, Barony of Windmasters' Hill (Callistus and Adriana) - Buckston Birthday Bash  - 11/14/2015
AUGMENTATION OF ARMS (a commedia mask proper), Kingdom of Atlantia (Christoph I and Adelhait I) - Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival  - 3/5/2016
AWARD OF THE NOTUS, Barony of Windmasters' Hill (Callistus and Adriana) - Buckston Birthday Bash  - 11/12/2016
AWARD OF THE EURUS, Barony of Windmasters' Hill (Daemon and Typhaine) - Buckston Birthday Bash  - 11/18/2017
AWARD OF THE EURUS, Barony of Windmasters' Hill (Daemon and Typhaine) - Buckston Birthday Bash  - 11/18/2017
COMPANION OF THE CORAL BRANCH, Kingdom of Atlantia (Cuán VIII and Signy II) - Ymir 45 - 2/22/2020
== Classes Taught in the Society ==
Campaign Furniture on a Beer Budget (U of A 2002)
Secrets of Redaction Revealed! (Windmasters’ Hill Cooks & Performers Symposium 2015)
Heretic! (Gulf Wars 2012, Gulf Wars 2017, U of A 2018)
Potjiekos - Techniques for 3-legged iron cauldron (Known World Agriculture & Forestry Symposium 2019)
New and Old World Foods (Known World Agriculture & Forestry Symposium 2019)
== Households ==
[[House Corvus]] - Inducted 2019
[[Maison du Poulet Sable]] - Founding member 2017
== Offices Held in the Society ==
Head Chef:
12-Nov-2016 Buckston’s Birthday
29-Jun-2019 Another Foolish Event
== Commedia Roles ==
Drunken Sailor - Ymir 2016
Dottore - Atlantian 12th Night 2018
Feste - Ymir 2018
Ymir the Frost Giant - Journey Through The Nine Realms 2019
Nick Bottom - Atlantian 12th Night 2020
Nick Bottom - Kingdom Arts & Sciences Festival 2020

Latest revision as of 08:43, 1 April 2020